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会议名称(英文):  5th International Conference on Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis 
所属学科:  测绘与遥感,计算机应用技术,信号与信息处理 
开始日期:  2014-05-21 
结束日期:  2014-05-24 
所在国家:  希腊 
所在城市:      希腊 
具体地点:  Thessaloniki, Greece 
主办单位:  the Laboratory of Forest Management and Remote Sensing, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in collaboration with the Balkan Environment Centre,

the Laboratory of Remote Sensing and GIS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Laboratory of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Aristotle University of

Thessaloniki and the Laboratory of Forest Aerial Photography Remote Sensing, Democritus University of Thrace 

[ 重要日期 ] 摘要截稿日期:  2014-01-20 
全文截稿日期:  2014-08-01 

[ 会务组联系方式 ] 联系人:  
联系电话:  (+30) 2310 992699 
传真:  (+30) 2310 272276 
E-MAIL:  geobia2014@for.auth.gr 
会议网站:  http://geobia2014.web.auth.gr/geobia14/ 
会议背景介绍:  Following the international GEOBIA Conferences held in Salzburg, Austria in 2006, Calgary, Canada in 2008, Ghent, Belgium in 2010, and Rio De

Janeiro, Brasil in 2012, the 5th GEOBIA Conference of 2014 will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece between 21 and 24 May.

The 5th GEOBIA Conference is organized by the Laboratory of Forest Management and Remote Sensing, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in collaboration with

the Balkan Environment Centre, the Laboratory of Remote Sensing and GIS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Laboratory of Photogrammetry and Remote

Sensing, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Laboratory of Forest Aerial Photography Remote Sensing, Democritus University of Thrace.

Previous GEOBIA conferences have demonstrated the world-wide interest in the emerging field of Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis. GEOBIA events bring

together the technical and scientific community of remote sensing and environmental sciences, promoting the development of GEOBIA concepts, methods and

applications. The international audience is expected to include scientists, professionals and users, of academic, industry, public sector and governmental

background, coming from the fields of environment and mineral resource management, agriculture, forestry and urban development. Attendees will enjoy the

opportunity to communicate new research results, share technical information, network with fellow experts, and build communities of common interests.

The conference programme will include keynote speeches by invited renowned experts in GEOBIA, stakeholder round table discussions, oral presentations of

selected studies, and poster exhibition.

These sessions intend to address advancements, trends and challenges, related to the theory and concepts, methods and algorithms as well as applications, to

promote the growth of emerging GEOBIA.

Extended illustrated abstracts of the presented studies will be included in conference proceedings and published on the 5th GEOBIA website

geobia2014.web.auth.gr. Selected articles will be published in a special issue of Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing journal, published by the

American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Conference live streaming will be available through the GEOBIA 2014 website, and archived videos of the keynotes speeches, opening and closure sessions, will

also be available after the end of the event.
征文范围及要求:  The conference will cover three key GEOBIA topics:

Theory & concepts
Methodological issues and challenges
Geographic object-based classification and modeling
Multiscale and multitemporal interpretation strategies and representations
Comparative studies of object-based and pixel-based methods
Accuracy assessment
Integration with GIS
Methods & algorithms
Classification algorithms
Feature extraction methods
Change detection techniques
Multitemporal analysis
Image segmentation
Evaluation of segmentation methods
Application of machine learning methods
Applications: mapping & monitoring
Forest and natural ecosystems mapping and monitoring
Urban and environmental monitoring
Automated feature detection for specific targets
Disaster management
Semiautomated map updating
Heat island detection and monitoring
Health and social science related applications
Archeological applications
Applications of new data & sensor systems (SAR, InSAR, LiDAR, Hyper-spectral, Thermal, Videography, etc.)

Guide for Authors
Deadline for abstract submission: 20 January 2014.

You will be notified on the acceptance of your abstract by the 17th of February 2014.

Abstract Guidelines
An abstract template is available here. Abstracts must be written in English in MS Word format and must include: title, authors, institutions, keywords and

main text.

More specifically:

Calibri, letter size 11 cpi, justified alignment, single space, no space between the paragraphs of the text, no space in the beginning of each paragraph. 1

blank line should be left between the title, the authors, the institutions and the keywords.

Capital letters, bold, left alignment (e.g. TITLE)

All names should be written in Title Case, with the family name following the first name and the superscript at the end. The name of the presenting author

must be underlined, but not the superscript. Names should be separated with commas. Please do not include degrees or professional titles (Dr, PhD, Prof,MD,

e.g. Μ. Papadopoulou1, A. Papadopoulos2
Address of Institution
As regards the institution name, Each Word Should Be Capitalized. First the Department should be mentioned; afterwards the name of the

Institution/University; finally the City and the Country. All separated by comma. Please note that in case the City is part of the Institution name, then it

should not be repeated before the Country (e.g. Department of Geography, University of Utah, USA).
When more than one institution is mentioned, the correspondence between authors and institutions should be done with the use of numbers (superscripts) as per

e.g. Μ. Papadopoulou1, Α. Papadopoulos2
1 Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland
2 Laboratory of Forest Management and Remote Sensing, Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Key words limited to five, should be shorted alphabetically
Abstract main text
Maximum length 500 words.
Please refer to the Abstract template.
Abbreviations of terms can be used, provided their explanation is included in parentheses, when they are used in the text for the first time. Scientific

names must always be formatted in italics but not followed by author names. References, drawings, figures and small tables are not allowed.
Publication of accepted papers
Extended Illustrated Abstracts of the presented studies will be included in conference proceedings and published on the 5th GEOBIA website.
Please submit them by the 1st of April.
Please follow the provided guidelines to prepare the extended Illustrated abstract or/and poster.

Guidelines will be available shortly.
PE&RS Special Issue
Selected articles will be published in a special issue of Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing journal, published by the American Society of

Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Please visit the Importand Dates page for more information on deadlines.