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会议名称(中文):  2014国际地理空间理论、建模、处理与应用联合会议 
会议名称(英文):  Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modelling and Applications 
所属学科:  测绘与遥感,控制系统仿真技术  
开始日期:  2014-10-06 
结束日期:  2014-10-09 
所在国家:  加拿大 
所在城市:  加拿大 
具体地点:  多伦多伊顿中心万豪酒店 
主办单位:  Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) 

[ 重要日期 ]
摘要截稿日期:  2014-02-15 

[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系人:  李松年教授 
联系电话:  +(416) 979-5000 分机:6450 
传真:  +(416) 979-5122 
E-MAIL:  snli@ryerson.ca 
会议网站:  http://www2.isprs.org/2014GeoTPMA/home.html  
会议背景介绍:  The Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modelling and Applications is hosted by the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) and co-organized by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Technical Commission II on Theory and Concepts of Spatial Information Science, International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission on Geographical Information Science and Commission on Modelling Geographical Systems. With a theme on Building Connections in GISciences for Future, the conference intends to present and disseminate the research, development and the innovative applications of geographical information theory and technologies in broad areas, as well as other interested areas by the participating organizations. This conference joins the following symposia together:

2014 ISPRS Technical Commission II Midterm Symposium
16th IGU Spatial Data Handling Symposium
ISPRS Technical Commission II Midterm Symposium is held every four years in between two consecutive ISPRS Congresses. The symposium aims to bring together scholars and professionals from the international community of geospatial information sciences and engineering to present latest research achievements and technological developments. The topics of the symposium address the focuses outlined by the Commission, stated on its website: http://www2.isprs.org/commissions/comm2.html.

The International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH) is the biennial international research forum for Geospatial Information Science, co-organized by the IGU Commission on Geographic Information Science and the IGU Commission on Modelling Geographical Systems. It commenced in 1984, in Zurich, Switzerland and has since been held biennially in Seattle, USA; Sydney, Australia; Zurich, Switzerland; Charleston, USA; Edinburgh, UK; Delft, The Netherlands; Vancouver, Canada; Beijing, China; Ottawa, Canada; Leicester, UK; Vienna, Austria; Montpellier, France; and Hong Kong, China. The International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling has become a major resource for recent advances in GIS research and is regarded as a premier international research forum for GIS.
征文范围及要求:  With a theme on "Building Connections in GISciences for Future", the conference is soliciting papers on the following topics:

Spatio-temporal modeling and dynamics
Multi-scale n-dimensional spatial data representations, data structures and algorithms
Spatial analysis, data mining and spatial statistics
Data quality and uncertainty modeling
Geospatial computation, geo-design and geospatial simulation
Geographical visualization and virtual reality
Geographical decision support systems and decision theory
GIS systems analysis, design and implementation
Spatial knowledge discovery and data mining
Mobility: tracking, analysis and communication
Semantic interopera