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会议名称(中文):  2014马氏体相变国际会议 
会议名称(英文):  International Conference on Martensitic Transformations 2014 
所属学科:  材料科学基础学科,高分子材料 
开始日期:  2014-07-06 
结束日期:  2014-07-11 
所在国家:  西班牙 
所在城市:  西班牙 
具体地点:  毕尔巴鄂 
主办单位:  Departments of: Condensed Matter Physics Applied Physics II ,Faculty of Science and Technology,University of the Basque Countr 
[ 重要日期 ]
摘要截稿日期:  2013-12-15
[ 会务组联系方式 ]
E-MAIL:  icomat2014@ehu.es   
会议网站:  http://icomat2014.com/ 
会议背景介绍:  Welcome to the ICOMAT-2014, the coming edition of the International Conference on Martensitic Transformations, to be held in Bilbao, Spain.

The ICOMAT is a major authoritative conference focused on martensitic, displacive and related transformations across all classes of materials and the connected technologies, which has been held every three or four years since 1976. Researchers will have a fantastic opportunity to exchange views and new ideas with colleagues from all around the world. Students and young researchers will find in ICOMAT the international forum to meet the leaders in the field, held fruitful discussions and promote their professional carrier. In addition the ICOMAT-2014 will promote and provide the facilities for a Scientific and Technologic Exhibition where companies from the related markets will exhibit their last developments and catch from investigators the new discoveries, which will move the technology forward. Thus the ICOMAT-2014 offers a global forum where cutting-edge science meet advanced technologies.

The ICOMAT-2014 will take place from July 7 to 11, 2014 at the prestigious Euskalduna Congress Palace, in Bilbao, Spain. Bilbao is largely recognized as the city with the older Metallurgical Tradition in Spain, from the beginning of the industrial revolution, two centuries ago. The local organizing committee is vey proud of hosting the ICOMAT-2014 and would like to give you a warm welcome to Bilbao.
征文范围及要求:  The Scientific Program of the ICOMAT-2014 includes all subjects of martensitic, displacive and related transformations across all classes of materials, as well as the derived properties and connected technologies. In addition to the traditional research topics, the following ones will be particularly addressed:

1. Fundamental aspects (including crystallogphy, thermodynamics, kinetics, precursor phenomena, etc.).

2. Theoretical approaches (including electronic theory, mathematical and computational modelling, molecular dynamics, first principles, etc.).

3. Novel phenomena of MT in steels (including TRIP and TWIP steels, new steels, etc.).

4. Progress in smart materials and design (including all kind of conventional Shape Memory Alloys, ferromagnetic SMA, ferroic & multiferroic materials, etc.)

5. Novel Shape Memory Alloys (including high and very low temperature SMA, new alloy families, Ni-free biomedical SMA, extreme properties, etc.).

6. New development on Ferromagnetic SMA (including conventional and new alloys, novel phenomena, magnetocaloric effect, etc.).

7. Advanced structural materials and design (including high strength and creep resistant materials, engineering ceramics, composites, etc.).

8. Thin Films and Nano-scale behaviour (including processing and integration, severe plastic deformation, size effects, etc.).

9. Novel characterization and testing approach (including HRTEM at atomic resolution, 3D and 4D observations, in-situ and nano-scale testing and analyses, innovative characterization of functional and mechanical properties, etc.).

10. Applications and Design (including engineering applications, medical applications, sensors and actuators, microelectronic and MEMS, etc.).