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会议名称(中文):  2014年欧洲无损检测学大会 
会议名称(英文):  ECNDT 2014 
所属学科:  基础物理学,分析化学,计算机应用技术,材料科学基础学科,机械学 
开始日期:  2014-10-06 
结束日期:  2014-10-10 
所在国家:  捷克 
所在城市:  捷克 
具体地点:  Prague 
主办单位:  欧盟无损检测学会 
[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系电话:  +420 284 001 444 
传真:  +420 284 001 448 
E-MAIL:  ecndt2014@guarant.cz 
会议网站:  http://www.ecndt2014.com/ 
会议背景介绍:  European Conference on NDT (ECNDT) is organised by the European Federation for NDT (EFNDT) in cooperation with one elected national NDT Society every four years. EFNDT General Assembly in January 2009 entrusted the Czech Society for NDT (CNDT) with organizing the 11th ECNDT in the year 2014. As the conference venue was chosen capital of the Czech Republic Prague on October 6-10.

This choice is acknowledgement of the long-year international activities of CNDT in the field of NDT/NDE methods development, standardization, certification, and education. It is not only acknowledgement, but also big liability, which cannot be fulfilled without great support of the active participants, exhibitors, and sponsors.

The conference, joined with large exhibition of NDT technique and services, will provide the good opportunity to present the latest research results and the newest NDT technique along with current applications. It will be also a nice chance to showcase the Czech Republic as a heart of Europe with its magical city Prague.

We believe that the 11th European Conference on NDT will provide a big forum for the meeting of NDT specialists, researchers, students, and all common users of NDT techniques and services from around the world. We hope that also you will participate at this outstanding NDT/NDE event.