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会议名称(中文):  2014机器人、微机电一体化和人工智能国际会议 
会议名称(英文):  2014 International Conference on Robotics, Micro-Mechanotronics and Artificial Intelligence (RMAI 2014) 
所属学科:  机器人,机械制造与机床技术  
开始日期:  2014-12-06 
结束日期:  2014-12-07 
所在国家:  中华人民共和国 
所在城市:  辽宁省     沈阳市 
主办单位:  沈阳航空航天大学 
协办单位:  柬埔寨经济管理大学,沈阳大学等 

[ 组织结构 ]
会议主席:  王大志(东大),李一波(沈航) 
组织委员会主席:  佟刚 沈阳航空航天大学副校长 
程序委员会主席:  韩建达 中科院沈阳自动化研究所国家与机器人学重点实验室常务副主任 

[ 重要日期 ]
摘要截稿日期:  2014-11-06 
全文截稿日期:  2014-11-06 

[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系人:  Professor Yibo LI 
联系电话:  +024-89723891(O) 
传真:  +024-89723891 
E-MAIL:  rmai2014@163.com;liyibo_sau@163.com 
通讯地址:  沈阳市道义南大街37号 
邮政编码:  110136 
 会议注册费:  2800元人民币 
会议网站:  http://rmai2014.sau.edu.cn/  
会议背景介绍:  2014 International Conference on Robotics, Micro-Mechanotronics and Artificial Intelligence (RMAI 2014) will be held from December 6 to December 7, 2014, in Shenyang, China. RMAI2014 is sponsored by Shenyang Aerospace University and co-sponsored  by  Shenyang University, Liaoning Shihua University,University of  Management  and  Economics(Cambodia) .
This conference is a premier international forum for scientists and researchers to present the state of the art of Robotics,Micro-Mechanotronics and Artificial Intelligence. Topics of interests are in the broad areas of Robotics, Micro-Mechanotronics and Artificial Intelligence.
Robotics: The design, manufacture, navigation,control, sensors, actuators, environmental perception, obstacle avoidance technology, formation technology and application of all kinds of robot like industrial robots, health robot,special robot, land robots, underground  robot, aerial robot (also known as UAV), USV(Unmanned Surface Vehicle),underwater robot, space robot, parallel robot, nano-robots, etc.
Micro-Mechanotronics: advanced mechanotronics equipment, sensing and control of mechanotronics, intelligent actuator and materials, MEMS (Micro electro metro- mechanical system), NEMS (Nanoelectromechanical system), the application of microsystems and mechanotronics in life sciences, Networked electromechanical systems sensor and network, etc.
Artificial Intelligence: troubleshooting, comprehensive health management, health forecast, fault-tolerant control, machine vision, image processing, biological characteristics and behavior analysis, pattern recognition and its application, neural network, SVM(support vector machine), fuzzy logic, artificial intelligence algorithm, control and optimization technique, expert system, decision support system(DSS) , DM(data mining), etc.

征文范围及要求:  This conference is a premier international forum for scientists and researchers to present the state of the art of Robotics, Micro-Mechanotronics and Artificial Intelligence. Topics of interests are in the broad areas of Robotics, Micro-Mechanotronics and Artificial Intelligence.
I.  Robotics: 
The  design,  manufacture,  navigation, control, sensors, actuators, environmental perception, obstacle  avoidance technology,  formation  technology  and  application  of  all kinds of robot, including but not limited to:
1.Industrial robots
2.Health robot
3.Special robot
4.Land robots
5.Underground  robot
6.Aerial robot (also known as UAV)
7.USV(Unmanned Surface Vehicle)
8.Underwater robot
9.Space robot
10.Parallel robot, nano-robots
II. Micro-Mechanotronics:
The design, manufacture, control, sensors, networks,actuators, and application of all kinds of micro-mechanotronics, including but not limited to:
1.Advanced mechanotronics equipment
2.MEMS (Micro electro metro- mechanical system
3.NEMS (Nanoelectromechanical system
4.Networked electromechanical systems
III. Artificial Intelligence:
1.Artificial intelligence algorithm
2.Machine vision
3.Image processing
4.Pattern recognition and its application
5.Biological characteristics and behavior analysis
6.Neural network
7.SVM(support vector machine)
8.Fuzzy logic
11.Fault-tolerant control
12.Control and optimization technique
13.Expert system
14.Decision support system(DSS)
15.DM(data mining)
16.Fault diagnosis