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会议名称(中文):  2014年亚洲燃气轮机会议 
会议名称(英文):  Asian Congress on Gas Turbines 2014 
所属学科:  仪器仪表与装置,机械学,机械制造与机床技术,材料成形制造与设备,工程热物理  
开始日期:  2014-08-18 
结束日期:  2014-08-20 
所在国家:  韩国 
所在城市:  韩国 
具体地点:  首尔国立大学 
主办单位:  中国科学院工程热物理研究所 日本燃气轮机学会 韩国流体机械学会 

[ 重要日期 ]
摘要截稿日期:  2014-03-28 

[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系人:  Professor Seung Jin Song 
E-MAIL:  sjsong@snu.ac.kr 
会议网站:  http://www.acgt2014.com/sub/sub01.php  
会议背景介绍:      2014年亚洲燃气轮机会议(Asian Congress on Gas Turbines 2014,简称ACGT2014)将于2014年8月18日-20日在韩国首尔国立大学(Seoul National University)召开。该会议系中国科学院工程热物理研究所(Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,简称IET/CAS)、日本燃气轮机学会(Gas Turbine Society of Japan,简称GTSJ)和韩国流体机械学会(Korean Fluid Machinery Association,简称KFMA)共同主办的系列化国际会议,在中、日、韩三国轮流举办。该国际会议的宗旨在于给亚洲的研究人员和青年学生提供燃气轮机技术发展信息交流的平台,通过会议的交流增进互动和合作。


征文范围及要求:  The Asian Congress on Gas Turbines (ACGT) 2014 invites participants. Articles pertaining to gas turbines, turbo-machinery, and energy conversion systems are sought. ACGT2014 seeks to facilitate an international forum for exchange of latest advances in gas turbines, with an emphasis on Asia.
Potential topics include but are not restricted to:

- Aerodynamics: general interest, axial fans/compressors, axial turbines, radial compressors, radial turbines, unsteady flows, rotating stall and surge, CFD and its validation, noise and noise reduction, component interaction and systems.
- Combustion, Fuel and Emissions: general interest, clean coal technology, biomass, alternative fuels, low-NOx emission.
- Control, Diagnostics and Instrumentation
- Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics: general interest, film cooling, internal air and sealing, thermal management, cycle innovation.
- Innovative Clean/Renewable Energy Technology: IGCC, hybrid fuel cell and gas turbine power plants, hybrid solar and gas turbine power plants, distributed energy, combined heat and power systems, steam turbines for concentrated solar power plants.
- Manufacturing Materials & Metallurgy
- Maintenance and User Experience
- Structure and Dynamics: general interests, fatigue, fracture & life prediction, rotor dynamics, structural mechanics & vibration, fluid/solid interaction.
- Applications: gas turbines for all applications, steam turbines, wind turbines