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会议名称(中文):  2014年SPE分布式光纤光学监控研讨会 
会议名称(英文):  SPE Distributed Fibre Optics Monitoring 
所属学科:  石油与天然气工程及钻采工程 
开始日期:  2014-11-04 
结束日期:  2014-11-05 
所在国家:  土耳其 
所在城市:  土耳其 
具体地点:  Istambul, Turkey 
主办单位:  美国石油工程师学会 

[ 会务组联系方式 ]

E-MAIL:  mmaclennan@spe.org 
会议网站:  http://www.spe.org/events/14adu9/ 
会议背景介绍:  This inaugural Middle East workshop is intended to focus on the combined interests and capabilities of E&P operators, service companies, and technology providers to identify the true value of distributed fibre-optic measurements through the sharing of field examples and well-characterised development projects.

Technical sessions addressing these challenges will cover topics such as production and injection flow profile interpretation, hydraulic fracturing and matrix stimulation diagnostics, evolving and enabling technologies and integrated interpretation models, advances in field installation techniques and the management of system reliability. Preference will be given to technical presentations which use field examples and case studies to demonstrate the value of optical sensing systems using distributed (DTS and DAS) and quasi-distributed (array temperature, pressure and strain) technology and to address challenges associated with quantitative interpretation methods, balancing the value of the information against added risk, and cost of installations and support infrastructure, exception-based and advanced analytic processes, and sensor-to-desk data management.
征文范围及要求:  Session 1: Stimulation Monitoring
Session 2: Production Monitoring
Session 3: Integrity Monitoring
Session 4: Emerging and Enabling Technologies
Session 5: Data Management/Visualisation
Session 6: Unconventional Applications
Session 7: System Reliability
Session 8: Areal Reservoir Monitoring