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2015年SPE/ EAGE油藏生命周期管理

会议名称(中文):  2015年SPE/ EAGE油藏生命周期管理 
会议名称(英文):  SPE/EAGE Reservoir Life Cycle Management 
所属学科:  石油与天然气工程及钻采工程 
开始日期:  2015-02-09 
结束日期:  2015-02-10 
所在国家:  阿拉伯联合酋长国 
所在城市:  阿拉伯联合酋长国 
具体地点:  Abu Dhabi, UAE 
主办单位:  美国石油工程师学会、European Association of Geoscientists & Engineering 

[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系人:  Khushbu Rajwani 
E-MAIL:  krajwani@spe.org 
会议网站:  http://www.spe.org/events/15jabd/ 
会议背景介绍:  The typical oil and gas reservoir life cycle comprises phases from discovery and field development, through production (and often further development) through field abandonment. Effective management of this cycle encompasses objectives to maximise recovery and optimise costs, while delivery high quality timely solutions with minimal uncertainties, risks, and environmental impact. These can be achieved through modern Reservoir Management Practices (RMP) that involve synergistic multidisciplinary work teams, application of best practices and continuous improvement, utilisation of efficient and fit-for-purpose tools, streamlining of operations, continuous enhancement of competencies of work force and integration of new, innovative, and efficient technologies. The implementation of these technologies and practices should be metric-driven and measurable through judiciously selected key performance indices (KPI) and success factors.

It is intended with this workshop to elaborate and capture the advances in the modern and proven Reservoir Life Cycle Management (RLCM) techniques as applied to new field discoveries as well as existing fields and mature fields where significant value capture remains yet demands proper change management in order to be fully realised. Selected field case studies will present best practices, efficient use of current technologies, decision-making techniques, and lessons learnt.
征文范围及要求:  We are now soliciting nominations for the following roles:

Steering Committee Members
Technical Presenters
Discussion Leaders (who can lead break-out groups)
Poster Presenters
Sponsorship Support