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会议名称(中文):  2014年SPE导热井设计和完整性研讨会 
会议名称(英文):  SPE Thermal Well Design and Integrity 
所属学科:  石油与天然气工程及钻采工程  
开始日期:  2014-11-18 
结束日期:  2014-11-20 
所在国家:  加拿大 
所在城市:  加拿大 
具体地点:  Banff, Alberta, Canada 
主办单位:  美国石油工程师学会 

[ 组织结构 ]
会议主席:  Doug Hollies 

[ 会务组联系方式 ]  
联系电话:  +1.403.762.2211 
会议网站:  http://www.spe.org/events/14abn4/  
会议背景介绍:  The integrity of thermal wells over their life cycle relies on sound components design and well construction. Thermal operating conditions are the key to designing each component of the well because production loads are significantly different at the wellhead than they are in the production zone. Thus, each component of the well must be uniquely designed for its own purpose. Whether it be zonal isolation, in the case of the cement design and placement, or sand control, in the case of un-cemented production liners, thermal strains are non-standard conditions that give rise to well failures.  These failures must be minimized. Engineering solutions are still evolving. Data on failures and down hole operating conditions are now coming in. It is time for Well Construction personnel to redesign their wellheads, intermediate casings, cement jobs, liner hanger systems, and liner designs and ask:

Are we operating wells in a manner that leads to failure?
Are we acknowledging and managing these failures effectively?
How can we prevent failures and ensure safe and sustained access to resources?
Join us at this workshop to engage with members of the thermal in-situ community on the latest in design practices and well integrity solutions.