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会议名称(中文):  2014年SPE石油和天然气开发环境管理研讨会 
会议名称(英文):  SPE Environmental Stewardship in Oil and Gas Development 
所属学科:  石油与天然气工程及钻采工程,环境管理与规划  
开始日期:  2014-09-23 
结束日期:  2014-09-25 
所在国家:  美国 
所在城市:  美国 
具体地点:  Austin, Texas, USA 
主办单位:  美国石油工程师学会 

[ 组织结构 ]
会议主席:  Rick McCurdy 

[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系人:  Susan Wooten   
E-MAIL:  swooten@spe.org    
会议网站:  http://www.spe.org/events/14aau2/  
会议背景介绍:  The U.S. currently finds itself in the enviable position of having an abundance of cheap, domestic energy as a result of technical advancements in the oil and gas industry. This abundance in energy supply is one of the primary drivers currently supporting the American economy. To fully reap the benefits of this new-found energy, it is the responsibility of the oil and gas industry to develop these resources in a socially responsible manner. We must continually monitor and improve our operational techniques regarding fresh water sourcing, handling and disposal of produced brine, surface and subsurface well integrity, emissions from flowbacks and product handling and environmental stewardship with regards to the additives we use during hydraulic fracturing operations. This workshop will focus on innovative technologies for well construction and integrity, greener stimulation techniques, waste and water management, improving air quality during and after the completion and with the protection of groundwater and the ecosystems we work in. Emphasis will be placed on best practices that mitigate current environmental risks and on Industry efforts at communicating the safety and environmental track record we have to the various stake holders involved with domestic energy extraction. Attendees will be expected to challenge the status quo, to engage in discussion and to exchange ideas regarding ongoing applications and issues surrounding unconventional resource development including the regulations and legislation that currently, or may in the future, have an impact on our industry.