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跳 水


  误译:The swimmer dived into the water feet first.

  正译:The swimmer jumped into the water feet first.

  解释:“跳入水中”一般可译作to jump into the water。 而to dive 的意思是to jump into water with your head and arms going in first,强调“头和双臂先入水”,而不是脚先入水。

  例如:这个青年因跳水救一个快淹死的小孩而受到表扬。The young man was praised for jumping into the water to save a drowning child.

  “跳水”的第二个意思是特指“跳入江河湖海自杀”。英语可以译为 to jump/dive into the water to commit suicide。

  例如:当我在桥上散步时,忽然听见求救声:“有人跳水啦!”When I was walking on the bridge, I suddenly heard a cry for help, “Someone has jumped into the water to commit suicide!”


  例如:竞技跳水是奥运会正式竞赛项目之一,包括跳台跳水和跳板跳水。Athletics diving is one of Olympic Games official competition projects, including platform diving and springboard diving.

  “跳水”的第四个意思是比喻“价格、指数、利润等急剧下降”。英语可以译为 to plummet, to dive, to take a dive, to nose-dive, to take a nose-dive。

  例如:由于商务活动急剧减少,本市一些高档酒店价格跳水。As a result of the rapid decrease of commercial activities, the prices of some high-rating hotels in this city have plummeted.

  这座别墅以跳水价售出。The villa was sold out at a plummeted price.

  上证综指从6,000点跳水,达到历史最低位的1,500点。Shanghai Composite Index dived/took a dive from 6,000 points to an all-time low of 1,500 points.

  石油业的利润最近跳水了。The profits in oil industry have recently nose-dived/taken a nose-dive. ▲(本栏目供稿:王逢鑫教授)
