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句子:临时借用一下自行车,好吗? 很快就还你。

  误译:May I borrow your bike temporarily? I'll return it to you soon.

  正译:May I borrow your bike? I'll return it to you soon.

  解释:to borrow 的意思是to take sth from sb to use temporarily,即“暂时使用别人的物品或金钱”。to borrow 已包含 temporarily(暂时)的意思。汉语用“临时”二字,是强调“暂时使用,不会长期使用”。许诺“用完后会立即归还”。因此,“临时”二字不必译出,可以省略temporarily。

  “临时”的第一个意思是“暂时”或“非正式的”,当形容词用。英语可以译为temporary,强调“不是永久的”。例如: 1. 你可以睡觉时好好想一想,再决定是否要接受这个临时工作。You can sleep on it before you decide whether you are going to take the temporary job.

  interim强调“过渡性的”。例如:2. 市政府已对环境保护采取重大临时步骤。The municipal government has taken a vital interim step towards environmental protection.

  provisional强调“是要变化的”。例如:3. 我们需要为预备会议准备一份临时性报告。We need to prepare a provisional report for the preparatory meeting.

  makeshift强调“替代的事物”。例如:4. 这些业余演员在一个用木板搭的临时舞台上表演。These amateur actors gave a performance on a makeshift stage of wood planks.

  “临时”的第二个意思是“临到事情发生的时候”,当副词用。英语可以译为 at the time when sth happens, at the last moment。例如:

  5. 事先准备好,省得临时着急。You should take precautions so that you may not be worried at the time when something happens.

  6. 他平日不努力,考试前才临时抱佛脚。As he doesn’t work hard on usual days, he has to make a frantic effort at the last moment before the exam.
