• 010-82115891
  • bjhyw@263.net
  • 021-31200158
  • shkehu@263.net



Practical English :古代建筑英语词汇


  殿 hall

  亭 pavilion

  台 platform tower

  楼 building tower

  阁 tower attic

  刹 temple

  坛 the temple of the heaven

  龛 shrine

  庙 taoist temple

  寺 temple

  庵 hunney

  观 taoist temple

  廊 carible

  河 moat

  斋 study

  庄 store /shop /villige

  馆 mansion /gusthouse /museum

  坞 shelter

  轩 veranda/pavilion

  水榭 pavilion on the water

  角楼 wachtower

  鼓楼 drum tower

  钟楼 clock tower

  古代钟楼 bell tower

  牌楼 memonial arch

  屏风 screen

  壁画 murals

  塔(舍利塔式的) dagoba

  塔(宝塔式的) pagoda

  寺院 monastery
