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When he heard St Bridget complaining about how long it took men to propose, St Patrick decreed that women could take matters into their own hands every February 29th, and propose themselves.

The tradition developed in Scotland, where the law said any man refusing an offer of marriage on Leap Day had to pay a fine ranging from a kiss to a new silk dress. So on the 29th, pop the question to as many men as possible, and get a whole new wardrobe by sunset.

Step 1: Why hasn't HE done it?

For every 1 day when you can propose, there are around 1500 when he could have done. So why hasn't he?

As a lady proposing, you want to be really sure he'll say yes - so in a calm moment together, find out how he feels about marriage in general. Make sure this is good natured and easy going. If it turns into a "where is this relationship going?" kind of conversation, you risk stressing him out and scaring him off.

Step 2: Look at it from his point of view

If he's not scared of marriage, have a long think about how he'll feel about YOU doing the proposing. He may want to marry you - but does he really want you to do the asking? Some men may take a proposal as the ultimate assault on their masculinity - so be sure your man is macho enough to handle a proposal.

Step 3: Choose somewhere special

If you think he'll love you as a strong and modern woman, the next step is to choose a location that's important to the two of you as a couple. It could be anywhere.... the bed you share, your favourite bar, or the place you first met - This is a moment you'll remember for the rest of your life, so choose wisely.

Step 4: With a ring?

If he was proposing to you, he'd have a ring. But if you go for a straight role reversal, it might make him feel a little, well, feminine.
So rather than going down on one knee with a ring, it may be better to go for a meaningful, well thought out gift he'll cherish.

Step 5: Propose

Let him know you have something important to say so you've got his attention. You don't have to make your speech complicated. Just tell him what you love about him, why you think you are perfect for each other, and then ask him the question….

Step 6: Listen

Now you've popped the question, zip it! Let him digest the information.

When he does say something, it might not be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'. The whole idea may have knocked him for six. He may need time to think about it...

With any proposal there's a chance your partner will say no. Make sure you're ready to deal with this - and if you can, have an exit strategy planned.

Be brave, and whether it's good or bad news, you will know exactly where you stand.


2月29日“女性表白日”也称妇女求爱日。“女性表白日”源自苏格兰,妇女可以在这一天向心仪的男性表白。 1288年,苏格兰政府通过了确定2月29日为“妇女权利日”的法律,宣布在2月29日,女人可以向男人求婚,并对无拘无束地追逐女性、又拒绝接受警告的男人实行罚款。从17世纪开始,这个节日习俗几乎遍及了整个欧洲。

