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第二章 旅行社设立Chapter 2 Establishment of Travel Agency

第六条 设立旅行社,应当具备下列条件:Article 6 The following conditions shall be met to establish travel agency:
  (一)有固定的营业场所;(1) Fixed business venue;
  (二)有必要的营业设施;(2) Necessary business facilities;
  (三)有经培训并持有省、自治区、直辖市以上人民政府旅游行政管理部门颁发的资格证书的经营人员;(3) Trained business personnel with qualification certificates issued by the tourism administration department of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under central government;
  (四)有符合本条例第七条、第八条规定的注册资本和质量保证金。(4) Consistent with the requirements for registered capital and quality guarantee deposit provided for in Art.7 and Art.8 of the “Rules”.
第七条 旅行社的注册资本,应当符合下列要求:Article 7 The registered capital of the travel agency shall be consistent with the following requirements:
  (一)国际旅行社,注册资本不得少于150万元人民币;(1) The registered capital of international travel agency shall not be less than RMB 1.5 million yuan;
  (二)国内旅行社,注册资本不得少于30万元人民币。(2) The registered capital of international travel agency shall not be less than RMB 0.3 million yuan.
第八条 申请设立旅行社,应当按照下列标准向旅游行政管理部门交纳质量保证金:Article 8 Quality guarantee deposit shall be paid to tourism administration department according to the following standards during application for establishing travel agency:

(一)国际旅行社经营入境旅游业务的,交纳60万元人民币;经营出境旅游业务的,交纳100万元人民币。(1) International travel agency engaged in entry tourism business shall pay RMB 0.6 million yuan, and that engaged in exit tourism business shall pay RMB 1 million yuan
华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关申请设立旅行社的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about establishing travel agency.

(二)国内旅行社,交纳10万元人民币。(2) Domestic travel agency shall pay RMB 0.1 million yuan.

质量保证金及其在旅游行政管理部门负责管理期间产生的利息,属于旅行社所有;旅游行政管理部门按照国家有关规定,可以从利息中提取一定比例的管理费。Quality guarantee deposit and the interest thereof accrued during the period when it is in the charge of the tourism administration department belong to travel agency. The tourism administration department may withdraw management fee in the amount of certain proportion of such interest according to relevant state regulations.
第九条 申请设立国际旅行社,应当向所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府管理旅游工作的部门提出申请;省、自治区、直辖市人民政府管理旅游工作的部门审查同意后,报国务院旅游行政主管部门审核批准。Article 9 Application for establishing international travel agency shall be submitted to department in charge of tourism of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under central government, and shall be submitted to administrative authority in charge of tourism of the State Council after being approved by the departments in charge of tourism of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under central government shall
申请设立国内旅行社,应当向所在地的省、自治区、直辖市管理旅游工作的部门申请批准。Application for establishing international travel agency shall be submitted to department in charge of tourism of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under central government.
第十条 申请设立旅行社,应当提交下列文件:Article 10 Application for establishing travel agency shall be submitted with the following documents:
    (一)设立申请书;(1) Application for Establishing Travel Agency;
    (二)设立旅行社可行性研究报告;(2) Feasibility Study Report on Establishment of Travel Agency;
(三)旅行社章程;(3) By-Laws of the Travel Agency;
(四)旅行社经理、副经理履历表和本条例第六条第三项规定的资格证书;(4) Curriculum Vitae of Managers, Vice Managers of the Travel Agency and the Qualification Certificate Provided for in item (3) of Art.6.
(五)开户银行出具的资金信用证明、注册会计师及其会计师事务所或者审计师事务所出具的验资报告;(5) Financial credit certificate, and capital certification report issued by certified public accountant and accounting firm or auditor firm
 (六)经营场所证明;(6) Certificate of business venue;
 (七)经营设备情况证明。(7) Certificate for conditions of operational equipment