• 010-82115891
  • bjhyw@263.net
  • 021-31200158
  • shkehu@263.net



第十一条 旅游行政管理部门收到申请书后,根据下列原则进行审核:Article 11 The tourism administration department shall examine the application according to the following principle after receiving such application:
   (一)符合旅游业发展规划;(1) Consistent with development planning for tourism industry;
   (二)符合旅游市场需要;(2) Consistent with requirements of tourism market;
   (三)具备本条例第六条规定的条件。(3) Meet the requirements provided for in Art.6 of the “Rules”.

旅游行政管理部门应当自收到申请书之日起30日内,做出批准或者不批准的决定,并通知申请人。Tourism administration department shall make decision on whether the application shall be approved or not within 30 days after receiving the application, and shall inform the applicant.
第十二条 旅游行政管理部门应当向经审核批准的申请人颁发《旅行社业务经营许可证》,申请人持《旅行社业务经营许可证》向工商行政管理机关领取营业执照。Article 12 Tourism administration department shall issue “Travel Agency Business License” to the applicant examined and approved by itself, and the applicant shall receive business license from the administration for industry and commerce with the “Travel Agency Business License”.
华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关旅游业发展规划的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about development planning for tourism industry.

未取得《旅行社业务经营许可证》的,不得从事旅游业务。Applicants that have not received “Travel Agency Business License” shall not be engaged in tourism business.
第十三条 旅行社变更经营范围的,应当经原审批的旅游行政管理部门审核批准后,到工商行政管理机关办理变更登记手续。Article 13 In case travel agency intends to change scope of business, it shall go through formalities for changing relevant registered items in the industrial and commercial administration after being examined and approved by the original examining and approving tourism administration department.
旅行社变更名称、经营场所、法定代表人等或者停业、歇业的,应当到工商行政管理机关办理相应的变更登记或者注销登记,并向原审核批准的旅游行政管理部门备案。In case travel agency intends to change the name, business venue or legal representative etc., or intends to suspend operation, it shall go through corresponding formalities for changing or canceling the registered items in the administration for industry and commerce, and shall put such changes on file in the original examining and approving tourism administration department.
第十四条 旅游行政管理部门对旅行社实行公告制度。公告包括开业公告、变更名称公告、变更经营范围公告、停业公告、吊销许可证公告。Article 14 Tourism administration department implements public notice system for travel agency, which includes public notice on opening, public notice on change of name, public notice on changing scope of business, public notice on suspending business and public notice on canceling license.
第十五条 旅行社每年接待旅游者10万人次以上的,可以设立不具有法人资格的分社(以下简称分社)。Article 15 In case the travel agency receives over 100 thousand person times of tourists annually, it may establish branch travel agency without corporate capacity (hereinafter referred to as branch travel agency).

国际旅行社每设立一个分社,应当增加注册资本75万元人民币,增交质量保证金30万元人民币;国内旅行社每设立一个分社,应当增加注册资本15万元人民币,增交质量保证金5万元人民币。International travel agency shall increase its registered capital by RMB 0.75 million yuan and pay quality guarantee deposit in the amount of RMB 0.3 million yuan in case of establishing a branch travel agency; Domestic travel agency shall increase its registered capital by RMB 0.15 million yuan and pay quality guarantee deposit in the amount of RMB 50,000 yuan in case of establishing a branch travel agency;

旅行社同其设立的分社应当实行统一管理、统一财务、统一招徕、统一接待。Travel agency and branch travel agency established by it shall implement uniform management, finance, soliciting and reception.
旅行社设立的分社,应当接受所在地的县级以上地方人民政府管理旅游工作的部门的监督管理。Branch travel agency established by the travel agency shall accept the supervision and management by department in charge of tourism of the people’s government above county level in the locality of itself.
第十六条 外国旅行社在中华人民共和国境内设立常驻机构,必须经国务院旅游行政主管部门批准。Article 16 Foreign travel agency shall obtain approval from the  administrative department in charge of tourism of the State Council in case it intends to establish standing agency inside PRC.

外国旅行社常驻机构只能从事旅游咨询、联络、宣传活动,不得经营旅游业务。Standing agency of foreign travel agency shall only be engaged in tourism consultancy, liaison and publicity, and shall not be engaged in tourism business.