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The First Cliff Tomb in the World

满城汉墓简介Brief Introduction to Mancheng Han Tomb
闻名中外的满城汉墓座落于县城西南1.5公里的陵山主峰196米处,系西汉中山靖王刘胜及其妻窦绾之墓,为全国重点文物保护单位,国家AAAA级旅游景区。满城汉墓凿山而成,规模宏大,举世罕见,是目前我国发现的汉墓中保存最完整,结构最复杂,规模最大的崖墓。 刘胜墓容积2700立方米,窦绾墓容积3000立方米。两墓共出土文物10633件,其中精品文物4000多件,稀世珍宝“金缕玉衣”“长信宫灯”“错金博山炉”等就出土于此,曾赴欧、亚、美等地的30多个国家和地区展出,倍受国内外各界人士赞扬,满城也因此被誉为“金缕玉衣”的故乡。

The internationally famous Mancheng Han Tomb is located at the Main Peak of Lingshan Mountain 1.5 kilometers to the southwest of the county, 196 meters above the ground, and it’s the tomb of Liu Sheng, King Jing of Zhong Shan State in the Western Han Dynasty and his wife Dou Wan. It’s a National-level Cultural Relics Protection Unit and a Grade AAAA tourist scenic area in China. Chiseled in a mountain, Mancheng Han tomb is broad-scaled and peerless and has been the cliff tomb with the best preservation, the most complicated structure and the largest scale among the Han tombs that have been discovered until now in China. The volume of Liu Sheng’s Tomb is 2,700 cubic meters and that of Dou Wan’s 3,000 cubic meters. There have been 10,633 pieces of cultural relics excavated from the two tombs, with over 4,000 fine pieces, and the rare treasure Jade Shroud Sewn with Gold Wire, Gilded Bronze Changxin Palace Lamp, Bronze Pot with Engraved Dragons and Boshan Incense Burner Inlaid with Gold Decoration were just excavated here, which have been exhibited in over 30 countries and areas in Europe, Asia and America receiving praises of domestic and foreign people from all walks and Mancheng is thus renowned as the hometown of “Jade Shroud Sewn with Gold Wire”.

中山靖王刘胜——   Liu Sheng, King Jing of Zhong Shan State
汉武帝刘彻之兄长  Elder brother of Emperor Wu in Han Dynasty
三国刘备之祖先  Ancestor of Liu Bei of the Three Kingdoms Period

刘胜墓中室 The Room of Liu Sheng’s Tomb

满城尽现黄金甲 The Golden Armor can be seen all over the city
国家AAAA级旅游景区  a Grade AAAA tourist Scenic Area in China

游满城  登陵山 Visit Mancheng County  Climb Lingshan Mountain
访汉墓  赏国宝 Visit Han Tomb  Enjoy the National Treasure

金缕玉衣的故乡  the Hometown of “Jade Shroud Sewn with Gold Wire”

满城 Mancheng County 

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关满城汉墓简介文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Mancheng Han Tomb

The Driving Route:
A The Route from Beijing to Mancheng Han tomb:
To drive on Jing-Shi Expressway, to exit the Expressway from the North Exit of Baoding, then to drive on Baoding North Outer Ring and reach the Mancheng Han tomb after driving 15 kilometers to the west.
B The Route from Tianjin to Mancheng Han tomb:

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有满城汉墓简介的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Brief Introduction to Mancheng Han Tomb

To drive on Bao-Jin Expressway, then transfer to Jing-Shi Expressway, to exit the Expressway from the North Exit of Baoding, then to drive on Baoding North Outer Ring and reach the Mancheng Han tomb after driving 15 kilometers to the west.
C The Route from Shijiazhuang to Mancheng Han tomb:
To drive on Jing-Shi Expressway, to exit the Expressway from the South Exit of Baoding, then to drive on Baoding South Outer Ring and reach the Mancheng Han tomb after driving 15 kilometers to the west.

北  north
京广线  Jing-Guang Line
涞源 Laiyuan
满城县 Mancheng County
满城汉墓 Mancheng Han Tomb
保定市 Baoding City
107国道 National Highway No. 107
北京 Beijing
天津 Tianjin
保津高速 Bao-Jin Expressway
京石高速 Jing-Shi Expressway
石家庄 Shijiazhuang

The Mileage of Road and the Driving Time from the Main Cities to Mancheng Han Tomb

河北省人民政府新闻办公室 Information Office of the People’s Government of Hebei Province 
满城县旅游文物局 Tourism & Cultural Relics Bureau of Mancheng County

二十世纪中国重大考古发现  Important Archaeological Discovery of China in the 20th century
满城汉墓  Mancheng Han Tomb
启功题 Inscription by Qi Gong

Approved by Premier Zhou Enlai, the excavation work of Han tomb enjoyed the On-site guidance of Guo Moruo.

这里凝聚着周恩来总理的嘱托  Premier Zhou Enlai’s commission was condensed here.
这里曾留下郭沫若等大家的身影 Literary Masters including Guo Moruo once worked here.