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Determination of treatment based in pathogenesis obtained throu-gh differentiation of symptoms and signs

第一章  诊法  First chapter  Technique of diagnosis
第一节  望诊  First section   Inspection
第二节  闻诊  Second section   Listening and smelling examination
第三节  问诊  Third section   Inquire
第四节  切诊  Fourth section   Pulse-feeling and palpation
第二章  辨证  Second chapter   Differentiation of symptoms and signs
第一节  八纲辨证  First section  Eight principal syndrome differentiation
第二节  脏腑辨证  Second section  Entrailsdifferentiation of symptoms and signs
第三节  六经及卫气营血辨证
Third section   Six channels and wei qi yingfen and xuefen differentiation of symptoms and signs
第三章  防治法则  Third chapter  Prevent and cure rule

The treatment process of Chinese hippiatrics to animal disease similarly is determination of treatment based in pathogenesis obtained through differentiation of symptoms and signs: for example:
Four diagnostic methods of Chinese hippiatrics are on the big domestic animal already backlog abundant experience, but used for the diagnosis of birds disease to still be placed in an investigate stage.  Yue Zhiquan etc. inquire into four diagnostic methods of Chinese hippiatrics of the chicken disease, such as: If see the crista galli pale, anemic, may be blood deficiency; If the crista galli is purple and black, may be in the yingfen and xuefen stage of febricity disease ; If the mucous membrane of eye, nose and mouth flare or have secretion run off, may be the hyperpyrexia of liver, pyretic toxicity of spleen meridian offends up; If dyspnea, gape and extend necks, cough, sneeze, may be wind-heat and wind-cold assault lung, insufficiency of lung-QI, the lung and kidney deficit etc.;The chicken muck is foul smell, it is thus clear that cause in the hot and damp of diarrhea; If the crista galli and wing descend are ice-cold, then belong to cold disease doubtless, and general at chronic depletion paroxysm after expect, appear this kind circumstance more; If the feeling crista galli and wing descend hot to the touch, should belong to hot disease; ect. 【Yue Zhiquan, Song Xiaoping, The preliminary study of Chinese hippiatrics four diagnostic methods of the chicken disease, 1996;(4):32-35】

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关辨证论治基础的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Determination of treatment based in pathogenesis obtained throu-gh differentiation of symptoms and signs
《Ji pu》:"The asthma of chicken, separate cold and hot.  Cold, or because tired after make an effort to fight, and doesn’s take shelter from the wind of place past.  The lung manage skin, and striae of the skin all opens after fight , is gathered by the cold, pore out-of-the-way, cold wrap it hot, the wind evil enter lung, the disease of asthma appears from here, then inevitably the face is purple, asthma inside the larynx, phlegm voice not unique, muck,like copper green,, is cold asthma.  Hot but non- feeling cold, is because of the fat of chicken fatty and calor internus after fight, then because the phlegm blood in the larynx doesn't be clean, treating thirst empress phlegm blood to the utmost is returned, also because of vulgar hearsay can't drinking after fight, so the chicken viscus is firing , and get disease.  Jing said: 'The qi is strong enough to start a fire'.  The fire is prosperous to living phlegm, necessarily the larynx is swollen, the tongue is burnt, its muck or solid white or red and white and miscellaneous, all calor internus disease. ” "If the throat is yellow, because of chicken calor internus, its mouth has the notorious gas inside.  Spread to blow it by ice boron powder, take orally cool diaphragm powder and will cure.”
Lin Mingyi said that "through the treatment observations and system sorting of the pig, the cow morbus internus 527 example since 1970, among them belong to the wet disease contain 476, having a morbus internus of 90.32%.  It belonging to wet disease scope in the pig cow disease at most is a clinical familiar disease and is taken bad much.  The appearance of this kind of reaction is because the feeding environment, the concoction of animal feeds and the labor circumstance of pig and cow aren't kind, causing wet evil which belong to the various etiological factor of six evils has predominance function ……therefore, the wet disease has the whole morbus internus of domestic animal 90% above.  Hold tight this main antinomy, can control the regulation of familiar disease and frequently encountered disease, so can find out path for clinical diagnose, dialectics and medication.” 【Lin Mingyi, The domestic animal wet disease preliminary study, Chinese vet's science and technology, 1978;(1) 65-71】.