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5.自身免疫功能改变:Change of autoimmune function:
Identification of external antigen by immune system originates from that of internal antigen.  At the time of aging or deficiency syndrome, the identification of external antigen by the immune system of the body decreases and that of the internal antigen increases. This leads to the autoimmune disease.
[Germany] M¨1ller.W.A£?Developmental Biology£¨1998£.: “Most of the human autoreactive lymphocytes are eliminated when man is born.  and because they are eliminated following recombination, the immune system could identify the external substance reliably ……In the later stage of life, the intolerance of autoantigen is possible due to the continuous production of autoreactive lymphocytes by stem cell.

6.细胞免疫与体液免疫改变:Change of cellular immune and humoral immune:
Han Jingxian,The Aging Characteristic of SAM (1995).: “the normal evolution of immune system is macrophage→NK cell and other same or similar cell group→the growth of plasma cell and IgM antigen→special T cell.  The aging of immune system is reverse to this evolution process.”
夏廉博,肖德桢,王厚德,等,编著,衰老生物学——长寿与衰老的探索,上海:知识出版社,1987。23页,:“衰老时T淋巴细胞功能,淋巴细胞的酶系都有改变,这是老年人的细胞免疫功能下降。……可以认为,老年人的体液免疫变化无甚规律。”Xia Lianbo,Xiao Dezhen,Wang Houde, compiler,Biology of aging——The Research of Longevity and Aging,Shanghai:Knowledge Press,1987. Page 23:  “At the time of aging, the function of T lymphocyte and the enzyme system of lymphocyte change. The cellular immune function of the old decreases. ……It could be believed that the change of the old people’s humoral immune does not have a regular pattern.”

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关自身免疫功能改变的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Change of autoimmune function

7.环核苷酸改变:Change of Cyclic Nucleotides:
cGMP is related to cell proliferation, and cAMP is related to cell differentiation. The two of them are related to the early stage and late stage of life development in earth. At the time of deficiency syndrome and cancer, cGMP increases or/and cAMP decreases.
Yin Guangyao, Chen Yi, Zhang Wuning, The Pathological Physiological Basis of the Typing of Spleen Deficiency Syndrome of Chronic Gastritis, Chinese Journal of Basic Medicine in TCM, 2005;11(4):198-301.:cAMP of the gastric mucous membrane of clinical chronic gastritis patient decreases according to the following order: healthy control group, F spleen-qi deficiency syndrome group, F spleen-yang deficiency syndrome group, having disease but no symptom group, G spleen-qi deficiency syndrome group, G spleen-yang deficiency syndrome group, spleen-yin deficiency syndrome group and spleen deficiency and qi stagnation group; decreases in the order of healthy control group, CSG group and CAG group; decreases in the order of healthy control group, IMⅠa、IMⅠb、IMⅡa and IMⅡb.  The common manifestation of spleen deficiency syndrome is decrease of blood cAMP and cell immunity and decrease of cAMP in gastric mucous tissue. (Notes: with no organic disease( F), with organic disease(G), Intestinal Metaplasia(IM)).

8.心肌改变:Change of cardiac muscle:
Wang Zhentao, An Experimental Research into the Treatment of Heart-qi Deficiency of Rats with CHF by the Methods and the Drugs for Promoting Blood Circulation and Supplementing Qi (2000).: Left ventricular reconstruction has two stages.  In t he later stage, left ventricular enlargement is done. In this stage, the major histological manifestation is noninfarcted myocardium hypertrophy.  In the cellular and molecular level, myocardium hypertrophy is a representation of embryo program. The change of cell phenotype makes the energy consumption of myocardial cell lower and the maximum muscular velocity and muscular tension slower. It cannot work continuously with high efficiency (in order to slowdown the maximum muscular velocity to save energy). The starting mechanism of centrifugal myocardium hypertrophy is mechanical stretching of myocardial cell caused by mechanical overload. It acts as the trigger and acts on DNA target spot through the channel of phosphoinositide of cell signal transduction. It then inducts the embryo expression of isomery gene.
Han Qinghua, Chai Xiaohong, The Advances of Research of Left Ventricular Remodeling after Myocardial Infarction, Journal of Shanxi Medical University, 2000;31(1):85-87.  “After MI(Myocardial Infarction), phenotype of myocardial cell changes from adult type to embryo type andβ-actin has isomery change. This kind of embryo type isoprotein is apt to weary and accelerates the failure of myocardial cell and shortens the longevity of myocardial cell.”