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Reverse recapitulation of deficiency (aging) pathology
It could be shown in two aspects:
Intrinsic pathology only has deficiency, sthenic syndrome and sthenic fire are only seen in reactive pathology:
(灯焰,灯油)(lamp fire, lamp oil)
纪昀,阅微草堂笔记,天津古籍出版社,1994。188-189页,:“李芍亭家扶乩,其仙自称邱长春。悬笔而书,疾于风雨,字如颠、素之狂草。客或拜求丹方,乩判曰:‘神仙有丹诀,无丹方,丹方是烧炼金石之术也。《参同契》炉鼎铅汞,皆是寓名,非言烧炼。方士转相附会,遂贻害无穷。夫金石燥烈,益以火力,亢阳鼓荡,血脉偾张,故筋力似倍加强壮;而消铄真气,伏祸亦深。观艺花者,培以硫黄,则冒寒吐蕊;然盛开之后,其树必枯。盖郁热蒸于下,则精华涌于上,涌尽则立槁耳。何必纵数年之欲,掷千金之躯乎?’其人悚然而起。”Ji Yun, Yue Wei Cao Tao Bi Ji, Tianjin Ancient Books Press, 1994.  Page 188-189,: “The family of Li Shaoting did planchette writing (a superstitious activity in ancient China) and the immortal he asked for help was Qiu Changchun.  He wrote fast and the words were wide scribbles.  A guest begged for a folk remedy, and planchette said: ‘the immortal has the secret to the pill but not the folk remedy. The folk remedy is the technology of smelting metals and stones.“Can Tong Qi” furnace, pot, lead and mercury are all substitute names but not smelting. The alchemist passed the information from one to another and this caused endless trouble for the future. All of the metals and stones are dry and strong and they are easy to generate heat power, thus yang will be increased and blood and pulse will be hot, therefore the muscle seems to be stronger; however, this will weaken the vigor and the latent trouble will be serious.  If the flower is planted with sulfur, it will blossom in the cold days; however, after the blossom, the plant will wither and die.  This is because a smolder heat is underneath and the essence bubbles up., and the plant will wither immediately after the bubbling ends.  Why do you indulge just for few years while neglecting your precious body?’ the guest rose horrified. ”
For sthenic heat and sthenic fire, the functional level of organism increases. But the reason that it becomes pathology is that the energy metabolism increases.
The essence of excessive internal heat: due to the excessive reaction of organism, the ordered side of the organism (vital energy) gives excessive play. Therefore besides the increase of functional level, the excess is released by increase of energy metabolism.
过度反应  Over-reaction
反应  Reaction
平静(日常生活)  Calm( Daily life)
清晨  Morning
睡眠  Sleep

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关虚证(衰老)病理的逆向重演律图的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Reverse recapitulation of deficiency (aging) pathology
入静  Inducing into tranquilization
The research on the essence of syndrome finds that yin-deficiency syndrome is untypical. That is to say, the pathology of yin-deficiency cannot obviously dissociate from the pathology axis yang-deficiency syndrome-normal physiology-sthenic heat syndrome.  It includes:
① 阴虚证的病理变化大多包含于阳虚证之中,虚热证的病理变化大多包含于实热证之中,而且后者的范围均明显大于前者。
The pathological changes of yin-deficiency syndrome are mainly included in yang-deficiency syndrome and pathological changes of deficiency heat are mainly included in sthenic heat syndrome and the range of the latter is obviously wider than the former.

② 阴虚证与阳虚证,虚热证与实热证共同的病理变化中,后者均比前者彻底。
As for the common pathological changes of yin-deficiency syndrome and yang-deficiency syndrome, deficiency heat syndrome and sthenic heat syndrome, the latter is more thorough than the former.
③ 阴虚证与阳虚证,虚热证与虚寒证,虚热证与实热证,阴虚证与正常生理间差异的显著性均不足。
The differences between yin-deficiency syndrome and yang-deficiency syndrome, deficiency heat syndrome and deficiency cold syndrome, deficiency heat syndrome and sthenic heat syndrome, yin-deficiency syndrome and normal physiology are not obvious.
④ 阴虚证病理变化的离散度较大。
The dispersion degree of pathological change of yin-deficiency syndrome is greater.
“Spirit” in “observation of spirit” refers to the highest functional level of human body:
同时,用“神”来描述事物,也就说明是从层次角度评价事物。At the same time, description of things with “spirit” shows that the things are evaluated from the angle of level.
In the “observation of spirit”, “eye inspection” is also paid attention to:
北京中医学院,主编,中医学基础,上海科学技术出版社,1978。66~67页:“由于‘目’为五脏六腑之精气所注,其目系通于脑,为肝之窍,心之使,‘神藏于心,外候在目’,所以察眼神的变化又是望神的重要内容之一。”“得神:神既以精气为基础,故精气充盛则神旺,而精气表现于两目比较突出……”。Beijing TCM College, editor, TCM Foundation, Shanghai Science and Technology Press, 1978.  Page 66~67:  “As ‘eye’ is the vital essence of Five Zang-organs and Six Fu-organs, and eye is connected to the brain and it is the window of the liver and the heart, ‘the spirit is in the heart and the external is shown in the eye’, therefore observation of the change of eye is an important content of observation of the spirit. ”“Having spirit: as spirit is based on vital essence, therefore, the spirit will be vigorous if the vital essence is full and vital essence is shown as protrusion of eyes……”.
“Eyes” mainly reflex the condition of the highest functional level of the human body-spirit and consciousness:
Therefore, we say “Put the eye when drawing dragon”, “The eye is the window of the heart”, the eyes are “bright and piercing”, “a vivid portraiture lies in the eye” by Gu Kaizhi. In the western stories, the eyes of the mind which is controlled by others glare or do not have eyeballs.
The expressions used to describe the waking level of brain cortex: spirited, low-spirited, exited, in good spirit, insufficient energy, weary, in low spirits. These are mainly reflected in the “eyes”.