• 010-82115891
  • bjhyw@263.net
  • 021-31200158
  • shkehu@263.net



? 列控车载设备主机的主要功能
Major functions of the main train-control vehicle-borne equipment:
1. 轨道电路信息接收功能:具有接收轨道电路信息的能力。
Track circuit information receiving function: with the function of receiving track circuit information.
2. 载频锁定功能:TCD应具有接收多个载频的能力。
Carrier frequency lock function:  TCD should have the ability to receive multiple carrier frequencies.
3. 应答器信息接收功能:具有接收地面应答器信息的能力。
Balise information receiving function: with the function of receiving the ground balise information.
4. 速度、距离计算:列控车载设备应实时监测列车速度并计算列车走行距离。应能校正空转或滑行对测速测距的影响。
Speed/distance calculation: Train-control train-borne equipments should monitor the train speed in a real-time manner and calculate the distance of train movement. It should be able to correct the impact of idling or taxiing on the speed measurement.
5. 制动输出功能:当运行速度超过制动模式曲线时,列控车载设备触发制动,保证列车的安全运行。
Braking output function: When the running speed is over the braking mode curve, the train-control train-borne equipments will trigger the brake to ensure the safe operation of trains.
6. 防溜逸功能:在停车检测状态下,列控车载设备应采取措施防止列车移动,可持续输出制动命令。
Anti-slipping function: In the stop condition for testing, the train-control train-borne equipments should take measures to prevent train movement and continuously output braking commands.
7. 显示和提示功能:显示列车运行信息,对运行及操作进行提示。
Display and Hint Functions: Displaying train running information, and providing hints for operation and running.
8. 记录功能:记录单元记录整个列控车载设备的动作及运行状态。通过记录读取装置读取数据并再现装置过去的动作。
Recording function: Recording unit records the actions and running status of the while train-control train-borne equipments.  By reading data from the recording unit, we can reproduce the actions in the past.
9. LKJ接口功能:包含开关量接口和通信接口。
LKJ interface function: Including switching interfaces and communication interfaces.
10. 与动态检测设备接口功能Interface with dynamic testing equipment
11. EMU的接口功能:从EMU输入司机手柄操作状态,向EMU输出制动及牵引力切除信号。
EMU interface functions: Input the driver handle operation status of EMU and output the signals of braking and traction removal to EMU. 

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关列控车载设备主机的主要功能的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Major functions of the main train-control vehicle-borne equipment
4.4.2 LKJ  LKJ
Realizing the operation control function of trains in the CTCS-0 level.
4.5 设备各组成部分间的数据传输内容Data content transmitted between every parts
4.5.1 列控车载设备主机各单元间的数据传输内容
Data content transmitted between every parts of train-borne equipments TCD天线与轨道电路信息接收模块(TCD)之间的数据传输内容
Data Transmission between TCD antenna and TCD.
TCD antenna will send the original signals of track circuits to TCD. 轨道电路信息接收模块(TCD)与主控模块(MCT)之间的数据传输内容
Data Transmission between TCD and TCD.
? 轨道电路信息接收模块(TCD)将解码后的轨道电路信号传送给主控模块(MCT)。
TCD will send decoded track circuit signals to the MCT.
? 主控模块(MCT)将需要解码的频率发送给轨道电路信息接收模块(TCD)。
MCT will send the frequency that requires decoding to TCD. BTM天线与应答器信息接收模块(BTM)之间的数据传输内容
Data Transmission between BTM antenna and BTM.
BTM antenna will send the detected ground balise information to BTM. This content is not included in the scope of this project. 应答器信息接收模块(BTM)与安全计算机(VC)之间的数据传输内容
Data transmission between BTM and VC.
BTM will send the decoded balise messages and status information to the VC. 安全计算机(VC)与记录单元(DRU)之间的数据传输内容
Data transmission between VC and DRU
VC will send the operating data to the DRU. 安全计算机(VC)与人机界面单元(DMI)之间的数据传输内容
Data transmission between VC and DMI
? 安全计算机(VC)将需显示的运行数据发送给人机界面单元(DMI)。
VC will send the operating data to be displayed to DMI.
? 人机界面单元(DMI)将司机的操作指令,列车车次和司机ID发送给安全计算机(VC)。
DMI will send the driver’s operation commands, train number and driver ID to the VC.
4.5.2 列控车载设备主机与LKJ之间的数据传输内容
Data transmitted between main train-control vehicle-borne equipment and LKJ
? 当LKJ有制动输出时,LKJ向列控车载设备输出高电平。
When LKJ has the braking output, LKJ will output high voltage to the train-control train-borne equipments.
? 当控制权在列控车载设备一侧时,列控车载设备向LKJ输出高电平。
When the control is in the side of the train-control train-borne equipments, the equipment will output high voltage to LKJ.
? 通信接口用于在列控车载设备与LKJ间交换机车信号和与运行监督记录有关的信息。
Communication interface is used to commute train signals between the train-control train-borne equipments and LKJ and record all the information related to operation monitoring.
4.5.3 列控车载设备主机与EMU之间的数据传输内容
Data transmitted between main train-control vehicle-borne equipment and EMU
? 列控车载设备主机从EMU输入司机手柄操作状态。
The main train-control vehicle-borne equipment will input the operation status of the driver handle from EMU.
? 列控车载设备主机向EMU输出制动及牵引力切除信号。
The main train-control vehicle-borne equipment will output the signals of braking and traction removal to EMU.