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信号设计   Signal Design
Selection of Signal System and Scheme Comparison and Selection
1. 行车调度指挥系统: Traffic Dispatching and Commanding System:
TDCS network system is reserved along the whole line and connected to TDCS master station system at 西伯库伦 dispatching unit when conditions mature.
2. 区间及闭塞系统: Interval and Block System:
(1) 区间闭塞采用64D半自动闭塞,闭塞信息由通信电缆实回线传输。
64D semi-automatic block is adopted for the interval block, and the block information is transmitted by communication cable loop.
(2) 西伯库仑站与边检场间采用场间联系电路。
Inter-yard contact circuit is adopted between 西伯库伦 station and 西伯库伦 frontier inspection yard .`
3. 车站联锁系统  Station Inter-lock System:
① 联锁设备:Inter-lock Equipment:
The whole line adopts computerized inter-lock system (redundant). To save the man power and material resources and for the convenient of railway traffic control, regional computer interlocking will be implemented to the Frontier inspection yard, 西伯库仑 Station and 30km Station. Centralized control will be realized in 西伯库仑 Station. If required, the control right can be decentralized for independent control. Independent control is adopted to Nariin Sukhait Station due to its busy operations.
② 显示控制方式:Display Control Mode:
均采用CRT显示器终端+鼠标控制方式。 CRT monitor terminal plus mouse
③ 信号机:Signal:
Lens color light signal is adopted at stations; in principle, high post signal is adopted for home signal, exit signal at main line and distant signal and shunting signal at inter-locking zone at entrances of feeder line and pulling-out line. Other signals adopts ground signals and high signals adopts A-alloy structure.

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关信号设计的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Signal Design
④ 轨道电路:Rail Circuit:
25Hz phase-sensitive circuit type 97 is adopted for rail circuit of all stations along the whole line.
⑤ 转辙设备:Switch Equipment:
Model 50kg/m #12 and 60kg/m switches adopt ZD6-E/J electric goat and other ZD6-D.
According to Document YJXH [2004] No.182, goats with gap-monitoring alarm are set at railway switches and integrated into the computerized monitoring system for unified management to improve the ability to check and repair electric faults.
⑥ 电源设备:Power Equipment:
Large station intelligent integrated power screen is adopted to 西伯库仑 Station and Nariin Sukhait Station. Small station intelligent integrated power screen is adopted to frontier inspection station yard and 30km Station, (including 25 tracks and coding power supply). It will supply power to inter-locking equipment, coding and computerized monitoring equipment, TDCS station extension and monitoring and alarm information of the display will be integrated into the computerized monitoring system for centralized management.
⑦ 电线路:Electric Circuit:
Due to reservation of electric conditions, main cable for electric circuit adopts PTYL23 aluminum jacket comprehensive twisted signal cable and other distributing cable adopt PTYA comprehensive jacket twisted signal cable.
Station main cable is protected by the building of cable tanks.  Cable troughs are set for the protection of main line cables in stone sections and for cables on bridges. Steel tube or channel steel is set for the protection of cables while passing small bridges, culverts and crossings.
⑧ 列车运行安全防护:Train Operation Safety Protection:
Advance overlay signaling is adopted for coding of forward reception and departure routes for in-station main line. Signaling equipment adopts ZPW-2000 signaling equipment.
4. 信号微机监测设备 Signal Computer Monitoring Equipments
Signal computer monitoring equipments are set for all stations. Computer monitoring main computer is set in the dispatching station.  Computer monitoring terminal processor is set in the computer room of 西伯库仑 Station.
The computer monitoring system is mainly used for the collection, monitoring, expression and replaying of analog quantity, switch quantity, control and display information of signal controller of signal infrastructure, switch machine, cable, power supply, etc. It can also monitor all kinds of signaling devices in the station.  Its collection of switch information amount should satisfy the requirements of TDCS system.