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  Skylight Period Train Operation

第73条  施工路用列车上线运行应纳入路局施工计划。业务处向调度所提供《自轮运转特种设备运行、作业计划表》,注明发站、到站、编组、运行经路、作业地点及转线计划。
Clause 73  If train is needed for running on railway under construction, it should be integrated to construction schedule of railway administration bureau. The Business Department should submit “Operating and working schedule for special equipment with wheels” to dispatching office, on which, the departure station, arrival station, marshalling, line to pass, working site and shunting schedule.
If there has other works in the operating section of the train used construction, before the construction schedule is submitted, the department in charge for the construction is responsible for coordinate the using of skylight window. The coordination result should be indicated in the “Operating and working schedule for special equipment with wheels”, and other construction works should not affect the operating of train for road under construction.
第74条  列车调度员根据施工计划,发布准许施工路用列车上线运行的调度命令。
Clause 74  Train dispatcher issues acceptance for train operating on road under construction according to construction schedule.
第75条  需向路用列车发布运行揭示调度命令时,由列车调度员指定车站交递(运输处意见路用列车管理单位)。路用列车开车前,司机与列车调度员进行核对。
Clause 75  If it is needed to issue operating disclosure dispatching command, the command is submitted by station (construction road train managing department recommended by Transportation Department) designated by dispatcher. Before train for construction road started, the driver should verify with train dispatcher.
第76条  施工路用列车需转线作业时,根据施工单位转线计划,司机向列车调度员(车站值班员)提出申请。列车调度员(车站值班员)核对无误,准备好进路后,通知司机转线。
Clause 76  If train for road under construction need shunting operation, the driver should submit application to train dispatcher (station on-duty person) according to the shunting schedule of the construction department. Train dispatcher (station on-duty person) notice the driver for shunting when verified and the route is ready.

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关天窗内路用列车运行的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Skylight Period Train Operation
1、 机车综合无线通信设备(CIR)故障时,在通信记录装置良好的情况下,可使用GSM-R向司机口头传达调度命令,并认真执行复诵核对制度。
If the cab integrated radio (CIR) fails but the communication recording device is good, GSM-R can be used to transfer dispatching command in oral to driver, and the repeat verification rule should be strictly followed.
2、 线路需临时限速时,调度员除按规定在CTC操作界面或中心操作终端上进行设置外,须向司机发布调度命令。
If route speed need to be limited temporarily, besides that dispatcher make the settings on CTC operating interface or center operating terminal, he should issue dispatching command to driver.
If basic blocking method is disabled and train operated in telephone blocking method, or the train control on-board equipment fails, the driver should shift the train control on-board equipment to isolated mode according to dispatching command and operate the train in LKJ mode.
3、 在分散自律模式下,遇下列非正常情况列车运行的应急处理。
In decentralized self-regulated mode, emergent measures for train operating under the following abnormal conditions:
Section fault release: before implementing, the train dispatcher should notice backup station on-duty person to confirm on site that there’s no train occupied the section failed. When confirmed, he reports to train dispatcher.
In decentralized self-regulated mode, assistant dispatcher press the section authorization release button on CTC terminal; in abnormal station control mode, the backup station on-duty person presses the section authorization release button on train operating terminal. Turn on the white light on section fault release panel of station train operating room; at this moment, the backup station on-duty person presses the section fault release button for the area.
At this time, the CTC center or the section release authorization button of the station terminal has the white light on. Train dispatcher or station on-duty person can arrange related train route and release the guiding signal for train receiving (except the first railway circuit at inner side of entrance signal failed), or submitting train operating certificate and arranging train departure according to specification; the authorization will be token back automatically and the white light of regional fault release on section fault release panel is off.