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Train dispatching command system (TDCS) and centralized traffic controlling system
第13条 石太客运专线列车调度指挥系统(CTC)设备采用分散自律调度集中系统,其控制范围:获鹿站(不含)至太原东站(不含)。
Article 13 The Centralized train control system(CTC) for Shi-Tai Passenger Dedicated Line will be of the Autonomous decentralized and Centralized traffic control system, the controlling scope of which will be from Huolu Station(not included) and Taiyuan East Station (not included).
第14条 CTC系统由调度所设备、车站设备以及调度所与各车站之间的网络系统构成。
Article 14, the CTC system will be consisted of dispatching station installations, station installations and the network that connecting all dispatching stations and train stations.
Installations in dispatching station include: power supply system, database server, application server, communication front end server, GSM-R communication server, system service workstation, network admin workstation, network security devices, dispatcher workstation and assistant dispatcher workstation.
Installations in train station include: station CTC machines, station PCs, electrical maintenance PCs and comprehensive maintenance Pcs.
The Network system is consisted of: network devices in dispatching stations and train stations and the 2M double-ring network.

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关列车调度指挥系统、调度集中的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Train dispatching command system (TDCS) and centralized traffic controlling system
The Shi-Tai Passenger dedicated line dispatching station of the CTC system will exchange transport schedules and share information with General TDCS/CTC systems of Beijing and Taiyuan dispatching station. The CTC system will be interconnected with GSM-R system to ensure information such as running token, dispatching command, advance notice on entrance route etc. can be sent to locomotives and motor train units in written reliably and to get information such as train number validation, signed receipt acknowledge etc.
第15条 石太客专CTC系统分散自律调度集中系统的主要功能包括:
Article 15 The autonomous decentralized CTC system for Shi-Tai Passenger dedicated line mainly has following features:
1. Real time train operation status display;
2. Station real time status information display on all stations transparently;
3. Train number generation, wireless train number validation and real time train operation tracking;
4. Prepare, modify and issue stage schedules;
5. Plot actual train operation profiles automatically;
6. Automatic train reporting system and statistics information on before time, on time and behind time events.
7. Dispatching command management and issuing. Dispatching commands will be issued to specified station and trains automatically, and temporary speed restriction commands will be issued to targets automatically;
8. Process train rote and clear signal lights according to stage schedules automatically;
9. Control shunting route and clear shunting signals automatically;
10. Control running route of electric locomotives according to power supply conditions;
11. Monitor and control failure branches within track circuit;
12. Provide prompting messages about motor train unit route and high platform;
13. Device and network status supervision;14.与相邻系统及其他系统信息交换。
14. Exchange information with neighbor systems and other systems.
第17条 CTC系统有分散自律控制与非常站控两种控制模式。在分散自律控制模式下,CTC系统依照列车运行调整计划自动控制列车进路,也可以人工办理列车、调车进路,车站具备人工办理调车进路的功能。
Article 17  The CTC system has two kinds of control modes: autonomous decentralized control and super station control. In autonomous decentralized control mode, the CTC system will control train routes according to traffic operation modification schedules, in this mode, train and shunting route also can be processed by station manually.
In super station control mode, train and shunting route will be controlled by station PCs manually, and the dispatching center do not have the right of direct control. CTC devices has TDCS functions such as transmitting phase schedules, issuing dispatch commands, generating actual operation profiles according to station reports and etc.