• 010-82115891
  • bjhyw@263.net
  • 021-31200158
  • shkehu@263.net



技术规范  Technical specifications
1. 总则 General provisions
The technical specifications is the component of the bidding documents and is the main requirements of the tenderee for structure, performance and service etc of the required crushing station.
The technical specifications doesn’t regulate all technicalities and also doesn’t fully quote clauses in relevant standards and codes, therefore it shall not be regarded as the detailed requirements.
1.3适用标准和法规:Applicable standards and regulations:
China National Standards and China Professional Standards (GB,GJB and MH etc.);
1.3.2国际权威性组织标准(SAE,ICAO,IATA,FAA,JAA,ISO,IEC,EN,BS,DIN,等);International Authoritative Organization Standards (SAE, ICAO, IATA, FAA, JAA, ISO, IEC, EN, BS, and DIN etc.);
1.3.3中国国家消防标准,及当地消防局消防条例;China National Fire Protection Standards and Fire Protection Regulations of Local Fire Administration;
China and local lubricant use regulations.
For selection of all components and parts of crushing station for bidding, standardization and generalization shall be fully considered and the components and parts shall be applicable to use in place of delivery.
2. 使用环境与条件  Operating environment and conditions
2.1地理位置  Geographic location
Weijiamao Strip Mine locates in Zhungeer Banner, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia and is under the jurisdiction of Longkou Town, Zhungeer Banner, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Geographic coordinate is:
东经111°14′45″~111°20′15″  111°14′45″~111°20′15″ E
北纬39°31′00″~39°35′45″,  39°31′00″~39°35′45″ N,
2.2对外交通  External traffic
(I) 公路交通  Highway
Strip Mine borders on Xuejiawan-Wanjiazhai Highway in the north, 49km from Xuejiawan Town where the Zhungeer Banner government locates and this town is 118km from Huhhot City, 142km from Dongsheng District and 269km from Taiyuan City passing Wanjiazhai.
(II) 铁路交通 Railway

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关技术规范的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about exterior Technical specifications
Da-Huai Railway is from Datong station of Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway in the east and to Xuejiawan Town in the west with the total length of 264km.
Zhungeer-Dongsheng Railway is from Xuejiawan station of Da-Huai Railway in the east and to Batuta station of Baotou-Shenmu Railway in the west with the total length of 45km.
2.3气象条件  Meteorology conditions
海拔标高1058m~1331m。年平均气温5.0℃~7.8℃,最高气温39.50℃,最低气温-36.6℃,最大冻土深度1.50 m。年总降水量为238mm~732mm,年平均降水量408mm。
Elevation 1058m~1331m. Annual mean temperature 5.0℃~7.8℃, maximum temperature 39.50℃, minimum temperature-36.6℃, maximum frost penetration 1.50 m. Annual total precipitation 238mm~732mm and mean annual precipitation 408mm.
Wind speed is 16m/s~20m/s and annual maximum wind speed is 40m/s.
2.4地质与物料性质  Geology and material property
6号煤自然状态单轴抗压强度Rc<6Mpa的占5.3%,6Mpa≤Rc≤15Mpa的占87.8%。15Mpa<R<30Mpa的占6.9%。6号煤间的夹矸(泥岩为主),Rc<6Mpa的占11.7%,6Mpa≤Rc≤15Mpa的占56.6%,15MpaRc<30Mpa的占9.6%,30Mpa≤R≤60Mpa的占22.1%。Double-geared roller crusher for bidding mainly crushes coal #6 and a little dirt band.
Under natural state, 5.3% coal #6 has the uniaxial compressive strength Rc<6Mpa and 87.8% has the uniaxial compressive strength 6Mpa≤Rc≤15Mpa. 6.9% has the uniaxial compressive strength 15Mpa<R<30Mpa. For dirt band of coal #6 (mainly mudstone), 11.7% has the uniaxial compressive strength Rc<6Mpa, 56.6% has the uniaxial compressive strength 6Mpa≤Rc≤15Mpa, 9.6% has the uniaxial compressive strength 15MpaRc<30Mpa and 22.1% has the uniaxial compressive strength 30Mpa≤R≤60Mpa.
ROM coal: dirt band in coal seam is mainly mudstone.
Moisture: moisture of the coal seam #6 is stable, generally in 0.86%~7.13% and the mean is 3.85%;
含 矸 率:<16.45% 
Refuse content:<16.45%
Coal seam loosing bulk weight:1.06t/m3。
2.5供电条件  Power supply conditions
Crushing station for bidding shall be provided with the following power:
(1) 6000V(三相四线)  6000V (Three-phase Four-wire)
(2) 400V  50Hz   400V  50Hz
(3) 400V  50Hz   220V  50Hz
The tenderee sets up a packaged substation 20m away from the crushing station to supply power for the crushing station.
The tenderee only supplies power to crushing station. Feed cables in crushing station transmission and distribution part and between master switch cabinet of the crushing station and packaged substation provided by the tenderee shall be provided by the tenderer and the tenderer shall guarantee normal operation of the equipment provided.
2.6原煤破碎工艺  Crushing technology for raw coal
ROM coal of strip mine is conveyed by TR100-C 91 ton mining vehicle to crushing station and discharged into hopper, transshipped by the plate feeder and crushed in double-geared roller crusher.  Crushed raw coal is discharged on belt conveyor with the belt width of 1800mm and belt speed of 2.5m/s, and transshipped to power plant or coal yard.