• 010-82115891
  • bjhyw@263.net
  • 021-31200158
  • shkehu@263.net



七、环境保护措施  VII. Environmental Protection Measures
The layout of housing should be compact. The landform and geomorphology should be properly utilized. The layout of housing should be combined with the planning of the city, and earthwork and land occupation should be saved.  Houses should be constructed on excavation, and excavation and filling should be balanced.
The layout of all kinds of production houses in all stations should satisfy the production processes. The direction and fire protection distance should be considered, the using functions and environmental protection requirements of buildings should also be considered.   Houses should be centrally arranged, and centralized heating should be adopted.  Facilities which will pollute the boiler room, dinning hall, etc. should be arranged in the downwind of dominant wind direction all the year round.
Arbors should be planted at both sides of the road for greening. Empty lands before and behind the houses should be used to plant bushes, flowers and grass.  During the arrangement of greening plane, the principle of more greening and less hardening should be adopted to the design.
Production and living houses should be centrally arranged to reduce the interference of noise. Besides noise reduction by green land, sound absorption and sound insulation measures should be taken to buildings to provide a better working and living environment.
八、节约能源措施  VIII. Energy-conserving Measures
The orientation of the buildings is generally south-west or close to south-west, mainly to avoid dominant wind direction in winter.  The configuration design of houses should be simple, and the external surface area should be reduced as far as possible.
This line is located at severe cold area. Centralized heating is adopted, so houses should be arranged in a centralized mode.  While satisfying the requirements of lighting and ventilation, the area of windows and doors should be properly determined. The area ratio of window to wall in different orientations should not exceed the regulations in “Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Civil Buildings” JGJ26-95.

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关环境保护措施的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Environmental Protection Measures
Flame-retardant polystyrene foam board insulating layer with small bulk weight, low coefficient of thermal conductivity, small water absorption rate, high efficiency insulating materials should be used as the roof insulation layer.
Haydite concrete blocks with low energy consumption rate should be used as the retaining structure, while clay bricks should be used as less as possible.
Energy efficiency PVC single frame double glazing plastic steel windows with good air tightness which satisfies the regulations in “Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Civil Buildings” JGJ26-95 should be used in all houses along this line.
九、安全施工、养护注意事项  IX. Attentions for Safety Construction and Maintenance
The construction, manufacturing, transportation and installation of structural engineering of buildings in this design should be complied with the current construction and acceptance codes promulgated by the People’s Republic of China to ensure the engineering quality.
The construction site should be leveled in advance before the construction, ground drainage should be properly constructed.  Apron slopes at the surroundings of the house should not seep water into the foundation. After the excavation of foundation trenches, the geological conditions and carrying capacity of this building should be verified. If not consistent with the design, the design unit should be noticed in time to take strengthening measures.  After the excavation of foundation trenches, they should not be immersed by water.
During the civil construction, close coordination with electric lighting, water heating, and other relevant specialized drawings should be made. Ditches, grooves, pipes, holes should be reserved in advance, and chiseling afterward is forbidden.
To guarantee the engineering quality, the construction unit should understand the design intentions. The types and colors of internal and external decoration materials of houses should be negotiated with the design unit during the construction process.
附件: Appendices
附件一、定员表  Appendix I  Table of personnel quota
附件二、房屋面积表  Appendix II  Table of house area
附件三、附属工程数量表  Appendix III  Table for the quantity of auxiliary works
附件四、采用标准图、通用图一览表   Attached Table 4: Table of Quoted Standard Drawings and General Drawings
附件五、本设计图纸目录  Attached Table 5: Contents of Drawings