• 010-82115891
  • bjhyw@263.net
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甲方因与                             合同纠纷一案,根据中华人民共和国《合同法》、《民事诉讼法》/《仲裁法》和《律师法》等有关法律规定,聘请丙方的律师作为委托代理人,代理甲方向债务人主张有关权益。Party A hereby engage lawyer of Party C as its attorney to represent it to claim relevant rights and interests against debtor in the contract dispute case between Party A and                       因甲方已将该合同向乙方投保了国内贸易短期信用险,甲方为被保险人,乙方为保险人。Since Party A has made short-term domestic trade credit insurance with Party B over that Contract, thus Party A shall be the insurant and Party B the insurer. 故甲乙丙三方按照诚实信用原则,经协商一致,立此合同,以兹遵守。Party A, Party B and Party C hereby enter into this Contract for each party to abide by after negotiation under the principle of honesty and credit.

丙方必须认真负责保护甲方合法权益,并参与有关的诉讼活动,同时应甲乙两方的要求,定期向甲乙两方提供有关案件进展的情况报告。Article 1  Party C must be diligently responsible for protecting legal rights and interests of Party A and participate in relevant proceedings. Party C must report regularly to Party A and Party B the progress of the case when required by them.

如丙方无故终止履行协议,不得向甲方收取代理费,已收部分予以退还;如甲、乙方无故终止协议,则丙方有权根据其实际工作效果按照本协议约定的比例收取代理费。Article 2  Where Party C terminate the performance of this Contract without any cause, it shall not collect commission fee from Party A and shall return the commission fee it has collected from Party A. Where Party A or Party B terminate the performance of this Contract without any cause, Party B is entitled to collect commission fee at the agreed rate of this Contract according to the actual work effect.

甲方必须真实地向丙方叙述案情,提供有关本案证据。Article 3  Party A must tell the actual facts of the case to Party C and provide evidences of this case. 丙方接受委托后,发现甲方编造事实、提供虚假文件资料的,有权终止代理。Party C is entitled to, after accepting the entrustment, terminate the entrustment where it finds that Party A fakes facts or provide false documents 如丙方未能按照本协议规定或律师事务所执业规范的要求认真履行本协议项下义务,甲、乙两方有权解除协议。Where Party C fails to perform its obligations under this Contract according to this Contract or the code of practice of law firms, Party A and Party B are entitled to terminate this Agreement.

甲方委托丙方代理权限为:一般代理。Article 4  The agency type of Party C to Party A is general agency.丙方可根据案情的进展情况,在征得甲方同意的前提下,决定采取诉讼或非诉讼的方式解决本案纠纷。Party C may, with Party A’s consent, decide to solve the dispute of this case through litigation or otherwise.

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关委托协议的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about entrustment agreement

约定的其他事项:Article 5  Other matters as agreed upon  1、丙方代理此案采取风险收费的办法,风险收费金额按丙方帮助实际收回债款金额的   %向乙方收取,丙方承担办理本案发生的交通费、差旅费、调查费等费用。(1) Party C charges Party B at the rate of    % of the actual sum of debt collected. Party C shall assume all the fees of transportation, traveling, investigation arising from handling this case.但是法院/仲裁机构收取的诉讼/仲裁费用由乙方负担。However, litigation/arbitration fee collected by court/arbitration institution shall be assumed by Party B.2、丙方通过其他方式帮助收回欠款或委托期间债务人主动还款的,乙方亦按本条第一款向丙方支付代理费。(2)Party B shall pay to Party C commission fee in accordance with subclause (1) where Party C collects debt through other ways or the debtor pays back the debt voluntarily during the entrustment period. 3、在丙方的工作过程中,如乙方先期对甲方进行了赔付,则乙方应授权丙方代理乙方继续向 ××有限公司要求支付款项,丙方收取的律师报酬仍按照本条第一款。(3) During the work of Party C, if Party B has compensated Party A first, Party B shall authorize Party C to represent it to continue to claim for payment against×××Co., Ltd and the reward for lawyer collected by Party C shall be in accordance with subclause (1) of this clause. 4、如果在追收调查過程中, 如确定此案件不属于受保险赔付范围內時,乙方可要求终止其在该合同中的权利和义务,甲方应授权丙方代理甲方继续向                        ××有限公司要求支付款项,丙方收取的律师报酬仍按照本条第一款约定的收费比例由甲方支付。(4) Where during the collection investigation, it is found that this case is not covered by the insurance compensation, Party B may require to terminate its rights and obligations under this contract and Party A shall authorize Party C to represent it to continue to claim for payment against×××Co., Ltd and the reward for lawyer paid to Party C by Party A shall be in accordance with subclause (1) of this clause.

乙方应在甲方收到每笔欠款后5个工作日内,按本协议第五条的约定向丙方支付相应的代理费。Article 6  Party B shall pay to Party C relevant commission fee in accordance with Article 5 of this Contract within 5 working days after each repayment received by Party A.

服务时限:1、非诉讼服务,非经甲方同意,乙方的催收时限不应超过六个月。Article 7  (1) For non-litigation service, the urging period of Party B shall not exceed 6 months, unless otherwise consented by Party A.该时间如需延长,由三方协商后予以书面确认。This period can only be extended by written confirmation of the three parties after consultation.2、丙方服务进入诉讼、仲裁、执行等阶段,一般因为司法程序无时限限制,但三方协商可以另行约定终止委托。(2) Where there becomes no time limit when the service of Party C enters stages of litigation, arbitration or execution, the three parties may agree to terminate the entrustment otherwise after consultation.