• 010-82115891
  • bjhyw@263.net
  • 021-31200158
  • shkehu@263.net



5. 实验室的管理 Laboratory Management
5.1. 实验室分工 Labor Division
本试点项目所涉及的实验室检测分别在如下实验室进行: The laboratory tests involved in this pilot program are conducted in the following laboratories respectively:
? 广西CDC综合门诊(包括无国界医生门诊)收治的患者的肝功能、血常规、肝炎指标检测等在广西医科大学附属医院实验室完成;CD4、病毒载量在广西CDC艾滋病性病防制科实验室完成;结核菌的痰涂片、痰/血培养以及药物敏感试验在广西CDC结核病防制科实验室完成。 Hepatic function, blood routine and hepatitis index tests of patients received by CDC Policlinic of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (including MSF clinic) are performed by the laboratory of the Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, CD4 and viral load tests by that of AIDS and STD Prevention Department of CDC of Guangxi, sputum smear, sputum/blood culture and drug sensitivity tests of tubercle bacillus by that of TB Prevention Department of CDC of Guangxi, 患者的胸片由广西出口检验检疫局所在科室完成。 chest radiograph examination by relevant department of Guangxi Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.
? 南宁市第四人民医院收治患者的肝功能、血常规、肝炎指标检测、结核菌的痰涂片、痰/血培养以及药物敏感试验在本单位实验室完成;胸片在本单位的放射科完成;CD4、病毒载量在广西CDC艾滋病性病防制科实验室完成。 Hepatic function, blood routine and hepatitis index tests and sputum smear, sputum/blood culture, drug sensitivity tests of tubercle bacillus of patients received in the 4th People’s Hospital of Nanning are carried out by the laboratory of the hospital, chest radiograph examination by Radiology Department of the hospital, CD4 and viral load tests by the laboratory of AIDS and STD Prevention Department of CDC of Guangxi.
? 柳州市CDC收治患者的痰涂片检查在结核病防治所的实验室完成;胸片在结防所的放射科完成;肝功能、血常规、肝炎指标检测在CDC的实验室完成;CD4、痰/血培养以及药物敏感试验在龙潭医院的实验室完成;病毒载量在广西CDC艾滋病性病防制科实验室完成。 Sputum smear tests of patients received by Liuzhou Municipal CDC are conducted by the laboratory of TB Prevention and Treatment Stations, chest radiograph examination by Radiology Department of TB Prevention and Treatment Stations, CD4, sputum/blood culture and drug sensitivity tests by the laboratory of Longtan Hospital, viral load test by that of AIDS and STD Prevention Department of CDC of Guangxi.
5.2. 实验室标准化操作规程 Standard Operating Procedure of Laboratory
5.2.1. 血常规的标准化操作规程 Standard Operating Procedure of Blood Routine Test
5.2.2. 肝功能检测的标准化操作规程 Standard Operating Procedure of Hepatic Function
5.2.3. HIV抗体初筛检测标准化操作规程 Standard Operating Procedure of Primary HIV Antibody Screening
5.2.4. 病毒载量的标准化操作规程 Standard Operating Procedure of Viral Load test
5.2.5. 痰涂片标准化的操作规程 Standard Operating Procedure of Sputum Smear

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关实验室的管理的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Laboratory Management
? 参照中国结核病防治规划《痰涂片镜检质量保证手册》进行。 Conducted in accordance with Quality Control Manual for Sputum Smear Microscopy Examination of China TB Control Program.
1 适应症1 Indications
? 参与TB/HIV双重感染试点项目HIV/AIDS患者中痰涂片检查阴性患者 Sputum smear negative patients with HIV/AIDS involved in TB/HIV dual infection pilot program
? 已经确诊为TB/HIV双重感染患者, 在抗结核病治疗前、治疗二个月以及治疗六个月时随访 Patients diagnosed with TB/HIV dual infection undergoing following-up survey before anti-TB treatment, and after 2 and 6 months’ treatment
? 不能排出痰液患者 Patients who fail to discharge sputum

操作前准备 Preparations before Operation
设备及耗材 Equipment and Consuming Materials
? 生物安全操作柜 Biological safety cabinet
? 双目生物显微镜 Binocular biological microscope
? 抗酸染液试剂 Antacid dyeing agent
? 载玻片 Slide
? 一次性口罩、手套、帽子 Disposable respirators, gloves and caps
? 一次性白大褂 Disposable medical gowns
? 一次性注射器 Disposable syringes
? 酒精棉签 Alcohol cotton swabs
? 消毒灭菌的去离子水或蒸馏水 Sterile de-ionized water or distilled water
? 罗氏培养基 L-J medium
? 高压消毒锅 High-pressure sterilizing pan
? N-乙酰基-L-胱氨酸粉末 N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NALC) powder
? 消毒灭菌的0.067M的磷酸盐缓冲液, PH6.80.067M sterile phosphate buffer with pH 6.8
? 离心机 Centrifuge
? 连接有固定针头无菌注射器 Sterile syringe connected with fixed needles
? 分枝杆菌消毒液 Mycobacteria disinfectant
? 涡流旋转混合器 Vortex rotating mixer
? 消毒灭菌的50ml圆锥离心管 50ml sterile  centrifuging tube
试剂和保存 Agents and Their Preservation
BacT/ALERT? MP 培养处理瓶,产品号:251010,于2-8℃ 保存。 BacT/ALERT? MP culture flask, product ID: 251010, preserved at 2-8℃.
MB/BacT抗生素补充剂,产品号:259760(包括:MB/BacT抗生素补充剂 5瓶/盒,MB/BacT复溶液 5瓶/盒) ,于2-8℃ 保存。 MB/BacT antibiotic supplement, product ID: 259760 (including 5 bottles/box of MB/BacT antibiotic supplement and 5 bottles/box of MB/BacT liquid), preserved at 2-8℃.