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Entrust and Authorization Contract
Contract No.: D
AAAAA (hereinafter called Party A) hereby entrust BBBBB (hereinafter called Party B) to push and collect the overdue payments caused by contract disputes. Following articles were agreed after negotiation between two parties.
第一条  乙方接受甲方的委托,作为甲方的非诉讼及诉讼/仲裁代理人,代理甲方向上海中易电气有限公司主张并实现合同债权。
Article 1 Party B is hereby entrusted by Party A to act as the litigation/arbitration attorney and non-litigation agent of the latter to claim and obtain the creditor’s right from Shanghai ZhongYi Electric Co. ltd.
Article 2 
第三条  如乙方无故终止履行协议,不得向甲方收取代理费,已收到部分予以退还,如甲方无故终止协议,则视为乙方完成甲方委托工作,代理费仍须按合同约定比例给付。
Article 3 Whereas Party B terminate the contract without acceptable reasons, Party B shall not request commission fee from Party A, and if there are payments already received by Party B under such circumstance, Party shall return them back to Party A; Whereas Party A terminate the contract without acceptable reasons, Party B’s entrusted activities are presumed and regarded as completed and Party A shall make payments to Party B with the percentage specified in the contract about commission fee.
Article 4 .
第五条 甲方委托乙方代理权限:乙方可根据案情的进展情况,在征得甲方同意的前提下,决定采取诉讼或非诉讼的方式解决本案纠纷。乙方的代理权限为:代为调查、协商谈判、催收欠款;制作法律文书,起诉,承认、放弃、变更诉讼请求,请求和解和提起上诉,申请强制执行等。
Article 5 Entrusted authorities/rights scope to Party B from Party A. Party B is authorized, with consent from Party A, to start legal or non legal procedure to resolve the dispute and problems based on the progress of the case. The authorized activities include investigation, negotiation, pushing for collection of overdue payments, preparing lawsuit files, start suing procedure, acknowledgement, waiving, changing of suing request, requests for amicable settlement and appealing, and request for compulsory enforcement.
第六条  双方约定的其他事项:1、乙方代理此案,收取案件受理费2200元,此费用在乙方提供服务后不予退回和冲抵服务费用;该费用由甲方在乙方书面接受委托后5个工作日内支付。2、乙方代理此案采取风险收费的办法,风险收费金额按乙方帮助实际收回债款金额的20%收取,乙方承担办理本案发生的交通费、差旅费、调查费等费用。但是法院/仲裁机构收取的诉讼/仲裁费用由甲方承担。3、经甲方同意,债务人以非货币形式的实物偿债的,乙方以该货物抵债金额的80%作为实际收回债款金额,并按照本条第二款约定比例收取服务报酬。4、乙方通过其他方式帮助收回欠款或委托期间债务人主动还款时,甲方亦按本条第二款向乙方支付代理费。
Article 6 Other issues agreed by both parties. 1) Party B will be paid 2,200 RMB as the commission fee of accepting this case. This payment shall not be returned or counteracted once Party B starts providing any service to party A. And this payments shall be made within five 5 working days after Party B’s confirmation, in written form, of undertaking the entrust from Party A.  2) The 2nd part of the commission fee will be made to Party B based on the risks and possibility of how much overdue payments Party A will be paid from the debtor. The variable commission fees will account to 20% of the total amount that Party A will be paid from debtor under the help of Party B. Party B will pay for all the costs and expenditure for transportation, traveling and investigation. However, the legal/arbitration costs charged by court/arbitration organization shall be paid by Party A. 3) If the debtor repay the debts in the form of products/cargoes instead of currency, Party B will regard the 80% of the products/ cargo values as the amount of the debts he collected. And shall be paid of commission fee with a percentage based on the 2) of this article; 4) If party B helps to get the overdue payments to party A in any other form, or If the debtor makes payments to Party A for his own sake during the period of this contract, Party A shall pay Party B the commission fee based on 2) of this article.

华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关委托代理协议的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Entrust and Authorization Contract
Article 7 .
第八条  服务时限:1、非诉讼服务,非经甲方同意,乙方的催收时限不应超过八个月。该时间如需延长,由双方协商后予以书面确认。2、乙方服务进入诉讼、仲裁、执行等阶段,甲方不得终止对乙方的委托。否则视为乙方已完成甲方的委托事项,并可向甲方主张报酬。
Article 8 Time limit of Services.  1) Non-litigation services. Unless agreed by Party A, the dun time limit of Party A shall not exceed eight (8) months. If there is necessary to extend above time period, both parties shall negotiate and make written agreement to the new time period. 2) When the case comes to litigation, arbitration or enforcement period, Party A shall not cease the entrust contract with Party B. Otherwise, it will be presumed and regarded as that Party A completed the entrusted activities assigned by Party A. And Party B therefore has the right to claim commission fee from Party B.

Party A:
签订时间: 年 月 日

Party B: BBBBB
签订时间: 年 月 日