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所属学科:  水文与工程地质
开始日期:  2014-09-15
结束日期:  2014-09-19
所在国家:  意大利
所在城市:  意大利
具体地点:  意大利都灵市
主办单位:  国际工程地质与环境学会(IAEG)
摘要截稿日期:  2013-04-15
联系电话:  +39 011 3977820
传真:  +39 011 3977 821
E-MAIL:  secretariat@iaeg2014.com
会议网站:  http://www.iaeg2014.com/

The IAEG XII Congress aims to analyse the dynamic role of Engineering Geology in our changing world: by means of a series of topics and sessions offered to the participants' choice through the interpretative key of four main themes:

In the next few years, major effects over territorial planning and infrastructures will be due to the global change particularly evident in extreme climate regions. Climate changes also affects natural processes related to slope dynamics, water courses, coastal and marine environments: all these phenomena are case studies for Engineering Geology.

Engineering Geology plays a major role in the definition of human responses to the changes of a dynamic environment. More and more obvious is the role of territorial planning for a sustainable use of available geo and water resources and a proper management of natural hazards (as landslides, floods, marine processes and earthquakes). Urban Geology and Applied Geology for Major Engineering Projects are reaching far beyond technological applications, because they analyse the evolution over time of the Society and infrastructures, including also the Preservation of Cultural Heritage.

Indeed, human activities have to be developed on a ethical base: Engineering Geology respects this principle, where implications include sustainable future and environmental conservation.


Climate change affects different natural processes and environments, such as slope dynamics, water courses, coastal and marine environments, hydrological and littoral processes and permafrost terrain. Due to climate change, major effects are also expected on territorial planning and infrastructure, particularly in extreme climate regions. The topic and its sessions aim to analyze the role of engineering geology and the solutions it may offer with respect to the ongoing environmental changes. Sessions should collect contributions regarding the modeling of both the factors and the effects induced by climate change. Potential impacts of the climate change on the common practice and routine work of engineering geologists should be also analyzed, with particular attention to the risk assessment and mitigation procedures and to the adaptation measures adopted.



Engineering Geology plays a central role in the investigation, management, and modeling of mass movements, and in the mitigation of their hazard and risk. Within this broad topic on "Landslide processes" we call for sessions on: field data and monitoring techniques, prediction and forecasting of landslide occurrence, regional landslide inventories and dating studies, modeling of slope instabilities and secondary hazards (e.g. impulse waves and landslide-induced tsunamis, landslide dam failures and breaching), hazard and risk assessment, earthquake and rainfall induced landslides, instabilities of volcanic edifices, remedial works and mitigation measures, development of innovative stabilization techniques and applicability to specific engineering geological conditions, use of geophysical techniques for landslide characterization and investigation of triggering mechanisms. Focuses should be brought to innovative techniques, well documented case studies in different environments, critical components of engineering geological and geotechnical investigations, hydrological and hydrogeological investigations, remote sensing and geophysical techniques, modeling of triggering, collapse, runout and landslide reactivation, geotechnical design and construction procedures in landslide zones, interaction of landslides with structures and infrastructures and possibility of domino effects.


River basins are the focus of many hydraulic engineering and hydrogeological studies worldwide. Such studies examine river systems as both a resource of the fluvial environment, and also explore river-related hazards and risks. This congress topic invites researchers from different disciplines whose work focuses on: surface-ground water exchanges, stream flow, stream erosion, river morphology and management, sediment transport regimes, debris flows, evaluation of water resources, dam operation and hydropower generation, flood risks and flood control, stream-pollution and water-quality management. Scientific sessions will include case studies for advancing field monitoring techniques, improving modeling and assessment of rivers, and studies contributing to better management plans and policies for the river environment and water resources.



While the coastal zone represents a critical interface between land and sea, the contribution of the ocean to the provision of energy and mineral resources will likely increase in the coming decades. Several issues fit into this broad conference topic: coastal developments and infrastructures; dredging and beach re-nourishment; sediment erosion, transport and accumulation; geohazard assessment; seafloor uses; seabed mapping; exploration and exploitation of the seafloor, of the sub-seafloor and of marine clean energies; climatic and anthropogenic impacts on coastal and marine environments. Examples of specific themes are coastal management and shore protection, taking into account storm-related events and natural/anthropogenic changes in the relative sea level, planning of waste disposal, remedial works for coastal pollution, seafloor pipeline engineering, slope stability analysis, or tsunami propagation and flooding. Engineering geologists can play a key role in investigating, managing, using, exploiting and protecting the coastal and ocean domains. They can also generate profitable interactions with other experts, such as other engineers (e.g. coastal, civil, forest, agrarian), geomorphologists, oceanographers, geologists, geophysicists, biologists, land planners and environmentalists.



Along with a rapidly growing world population, the wave of urban growth continues, causing cities to swell and new metropolitan centers to emerge. These global trends also open new ventures for underground city development. Engineering Geology plays a major role in facing the increasing issues of the urban environment: finding aggregates for construction works, providing adequate water supply, waste management, solving building problems associated to geological and geomorphological conditions, evaluating host rock conditions for underground constructions, preventing or mitigating geological (such as subsidence) and seismic hazards (such as earthquake-induced ground deformations and behaviors such as liquefaction, lateral spreading, amplification).This conference topic will also offer a chance to present sessions on recent advancements in sustainable land use planning, which includes conservation, protection, reclamation and landscape impact of open pit mining and alternative power generation.


Applied geology is critical for the global economy. In the international, multidisciplinary approach to major engineering projects (either to macro- or mega-scale), the application of geological investigation techniques is fundamental for properly selecting the location sites, planning the construction, maintaining the infrastructures. Session proposed under this topic should include not only engineering constructions but also case studies related to large projects on geo-resources search and extraction (minerals, petroleum, groundwater), energy production (hydropower, geothermal, nuclear and others), trasportation (railway and highway), waste disposal, as well as the environmental management of these and other activities.



Engineering Geology has a key role in the sustainable development of Society. Scientists, regulators and practitioners of Engineering Geology must inevitably confront themselves with the purposes, methods, limitations and findings of their works.This conference topic is intended to attract sessions debating the professional responsibilities of engineering geologists, the interaction of engineering geologists with other professionals, recognition of the engineering geological profession and its particular contribution to society, culture and economy and implications for the education of engineering geologists at tertiary level and in further education schemes. Some potential issues of this topics are: the position of Engineering Geology within the geo-engineering profession; professional ethics and communication; developing our profession and its professionals; resource use and re-use; managing risk in a litigious world; engineering our geological responsibility; Engineering Geology at tertiary level.


The 1972 World Heritage Convention linked together, in a single framework, the concepts of nature conservation and the preservation of cultural sites. Since then Engineering Geology is enlarging its contributions to national and international projects on this topic, extending its interests to key issues like: safeguarding of monuments and sites from geotechnical issues; advanced monitoring; investigations on cultural landscapes; development of geodatabase for cultural heritage classification; studies on the interactions between Man, natural landscape evolution and cultural heritage; analysis of weathering and deterioration of rock properties of monuments; risk analysis of sites affected by natural hazards; many others. Call for session under this topic aims to bring together different actors involved in Culture Heritage preservation. Engineering geologists, conservation scientists, as well as experts from other natural, social and economic sciences, representatives of international organizations, national and local administrative authorities will exchange their ideas and practices on culture heritage preservation by presenting both local case studies and multisciplinary international projects.

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