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        马吉-俄罗斯国立工艺大学成立于1932年,位于在俄罗斯首都莫斯科,为了纪念俄国科学家康斯坦丁.齐奥尔科夫斯基,学校以他的名字命名。大学师资力量雄厚,拥有1216名教师,其中785人获得了学术学位,有65%的副博士和博士,还有俄罗斯国家科学院的院士。学校的主要专业有:黑色和有色金属的铸造、金属压力铸造工艺、焊接冶金、焊接工艺冶金、应用力学、材料学和材料工艺、材料学和新材料工艺、合成材料制造和结构、航空发动机和动力装置、火箭制造、飞行器实验、 航空仪器和测量计算工程、激光技术和激光工艺、生物医学工程,标准化和认证,电子设备设计技术、无线电电子设备设计技术、电子计算设备设计工艺、纳米技术、系统分析和管理、人类工程学、质量管理、信息和计算机工艺、信息处理和信息管理、环境保护、信息技术、应用数学和信息学、物理、公共关系、广告、经济、劳动经济学、会计、分析和审计、市场营销、国家和市政管理、人事管理、组织管理等。
  composite powder materials on the base of metals and cyramics
  materials and coating technology
  technology of metal heat treatment
  marketing and certification of metallic materials
  informational technologies in material science
  computer aided design for casting and stamping technology
  stamping of aerospace materials
  deforming of composite and powder materials
  welding and soldering in aerospace technology
  technology and certification of composite and plastic materials
  design of composite material structures
  airplane and helicopter design and technology
  aviation engines and energy units
  rocket engines
  engines, power units of spacecraft
  rocket and spacecraft design and technology
  aircraft and spacecraft testing
  launch rocket and spacecraft facilities
  flight dynamics and space flight control systems
  heat engineering
  aircraft instrument and control systems
  automated systems of data processing and com
    puter technologies in instrument manufacture industry
  technology of aviation devices and measuring instruments
  automated systems of quality control
  automated systems of data processing and equipment for banks and offices
  aviation and special materials on the base of metals and intermetals
  composite powder materials on the base of metals and cyramics
  materials and coating technology
  marketing and certification of metallic materials
  informational technologies in material science
  technology and certification of composite and plastic materials
  applied mathematics and mechanics
  computer-based systems of data processing and control
  information systems in economics
  systems of scientific and technical information processing
  automated systems of data processing and control
  intellectual systems
  applied mathematics
  informatics and control in technical systems
  systems of data processing and control
  economics and factory management
  total quality control
  Technology of metal pressure treatment
  Technology of metal casting
  Technology of aircraft welding
  Electronics and Information science
  Aircraft technology
  Aircraft engine technology
  Computer-aided design of the aircraft
  Testing of the aircraft
  Aircraft engines and heat engineering
  Technologies and systems of aircraft exploitation
  Satellites and accelerating blocks
  Ground based launch facilities
  Satellite communications
  Integrated computer aided systems in aerospace engineering
  Technology of aircraft instruments and control systems
  Technology of material treatment with high energies
  Technology of radio-electronic equipment
  Ergonomics and information-measuring systems
  Information technology
  Internet technologies
  Physics and chemistry of composite materials
  Metal science and thermal treatment of metals and alloys
  Material science and technology of new materials
  Technology of non-metallic materials
  Applied mathematics and mechanics
  Mechanics and optimization of processes and constructions
  Technical cybernetics
  Industrial management
  Total quality management
  Industrial ecology
  Sociology and personnel management
  State, municipal management and jurisprudence
  Program computer complexes
  4Internationl Colleges &Universities316
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