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Beijing and Shanghai Chinese Translation Service in The field of Cost breakdown quotation sheet

5.6.8 Breakdown of bid price of the attendance to design communication meeting, site visit to the factory and runner model test by tenderee

Bid Section A: Hydraulic turbine and its auxiliary equipment The Bidder shall fill in quoted price breakdown form of charge s for the Tenderee to take part in design liaison meeting, factory visual witness, runner model testing acceptance and so on according to the content and format requirements in table 5.6A-1-5 (hereafter called “this table” for short). The total money in this table shall be consistent with the total price of item 5 in table 5.6 A-1, Collecting List for Bidding Quoted Price. According to the regulations in the contract, the charge s for the Tenderee to take part in design liaison meeting, factory visual witness, runner model testing acceptance and so on shall be included in the unit price and amount in this table. The item of “miscellaneous” in this table refers to all charges (including taxes) that are necessary for enforcing the contract and shall be taken by the Bidder according to the regulations in the bidding documents.  All charges (including taxes) of the items not listed in this table or missed quantity when they are necessary for the project will be regarded as included in “miscellaneous”.

Beijing   Mandarin Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents in the field of Breakdown of bid price of the attendance to design communication meeting, site visit to the factory and runner model test by tenderee.

5.6.8  招标人参加设计联络会、工厂目睹见证、转轮模型试验验收等费用分项报价表

标段A:水轮机及其附属设备 投标人应按表5.6A-1-5(以下简称“本表”)的内容和格式的要求填报招标人参加设计联络会、工厂目睹见证、转轮模型试验验收等的费用分项报价表,本表的合计金额应与表5.6A-1《投标报价汇总表》中第5项的总价金额一致。 按合同的规定招标人参加设计联络会、工厂目睹见证、转轮模型试验验收等的费用均包含在本表中的单价及合价内。 本表中的“其它费”是指投标人认为在本表中未列明,而在合同履行过程中必须发生且按招标文件规定应由投标人承担的有关全部费用(包括税费)。凡对于本表中未列项目或数量缺漏的,但的确是工程所必需任何费用(包括税费)均已视为包含在“其它费”中。