• 010-82115891
  • bjhyw@263.net
  • 021-31200158
  • shkehu@263.net



姓    名:季XX       性    别:男          出生年月:1970.12
技术职称:工程师       毕业院校:华中科技大学机电一体化专业
1991年至1999年在XX重型机械公司(大型央企)的外贸公司任技术翻译,负责公司进口设备的安装、调试及现场翻译。曾安装调试过德国的数控机床(加工中心、数控镗铣床、数控立车、 磨齿机等)并翻译了相关图纸资料。
1.      北京世博友翻译有限公司:    Schneider公司的PLC产品说明书
4.  北京世纪骄阳翻译有限公司:  网络通信设备
5.  北京海历翻译有限公司:      网络通信设备
6.       北京百川翻译有限公司:      澳大利亚昆士兰州铁路建设评估报告
7.       北京百川翻译有限公司:      澳大利亚维金斯岛港口建设评估报告
8.  北京玉言通科技有限公司:    韩国经济分析报告
9.  北京transmart翻译有限公司:商业合同
10.   上海佳艺翻译有限公司:      Leonova手持式振动仪说明书
11.   上海通桥翻译有限公司:      SEISA Gear Ltd的减速器说明书
12. 广州联普翻译有限公司:     广汽菲亚特汽车资料
13.  广州文易翻译有限公司:    太阳能进口设备图纸
14. 济南金榜翻译有限公司:     山东德州发电厂资料
15.  佛山信雅达翻译有限公司:  进口的超声波医疗设备说明书
Technology changes so rapidly that no scientist or engineer can keep up with his own field, much less with technology in general.
For an idea of what is to come—in magnitude if not in specifics—look to the past. In the last ninety years, the world has shrunk, while human experience has expanded almost beyond the recognition of those who grew up in our grandparents’ generation.  
In transportation and communications, the changes have been even more pronounced.
In 1945, when the first atomic bomb fused the sand of Alamogordo, New Mexico, the shot was not heard around the world; rumors of a massive explosion in the desert were easily contained. Only a half century later, someone born in Massachusetts is more likely than not to attend college in Chicago, find a job in Seattle, vacation in Mexico, and retire in Florida.
From our offices in suburban Virginia and rural New Hampshire, Paris, Singapore, Buenos Aires , and Sydney are all as close as Washington and Boston, none more distant than the few steps to the computer.(请找到主语再翻译,正确率只有5%)
Around the globe, we will spend the rest of our lives finding things to say to people we will never meet in person.
Furthermore, political decisions are typically taken on the basis of the distributional consequences — which groups will be advantaged — rather than the overall welfare of society. Costs are not necessarily assessed against the marginal benefits. A recent substantial increase in the subsidy to tertiary students was arguably driven more by advantaging a particular group than by enhancing the social return from public investment in education.
Upon submission of a complete program, EPA will conduct a public hearing, if interest is shown, and determine whether to approve or disapprove the program(项目) taking into consideration the requirements of this part, the Safe Drinking Water Act and any comments received.
As used in this part, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them by the Act.
Exceedance with respect to a national ambient air quality standard means one occurrence of a measured or modeled concentration that exceeds the specified concentration level of such standard for the averaging period specified by the standard.
For multiple fuel combustion installations, the regulations for the particular fuels shall apply respectively; notwithstanding, the requirements for solid fuels concerning the reduction of dust emissions shall apply for a period of four hours after the change-over from solid to gaseous fuels or to fuel oils listed in DIN 51603 Part 1.