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第四章: 关键客户管理的人力资源——大客户经理

The third major building block of the congruence model for key account management is human resources. Clearly, when the supplier adopts some form of key account management program, many supplier personnel become involved in the relationship. The critical role in the inter-organizational relationship is the key account manager. Hence, we devote this chapter to key account managers.

The increasingly important yet difficult role that key account managers play makes it imperative that individuals of the highest caliber staff this position. The supplier must be very clear about the particular set of knowledge, skills, and abilities it requires in its key account managers. Then, the supplier must put in place appropriate procedures for recruiting, selecting, and training to generate key account managers who can effectively carry out their several roles and responsibilities.

Because effective key account managers are an extremely valuable organizational resource, the firm should treat them as an asset rather than as an expense. The supplier must develop ways of retaining effective key account managers. In particular, the firm must carefully think through reward systems. Clearly, financial compensation is an important issue but the firm must also consider several other types of reward mechanisms.

In this chapter, we address all of these issues. We commence with a discussion of skill sets, then turn our attention to recruiting, selecting, training, and retaining key account managers. We conclude with a section on rewarding the key account manager.


The key account manager job is one of the more difficult and demanding in organizational life. As noted previously, similar to many sales jobs, the key account manager occupies a boundary role. The key account manger must make difficult trade-off decisions between the requirements of the key account and those of the supplier. But the main feature that distinguishes key account managers from traditional salespeople is the level of responsibility.

As we discussed earlier, the supplier should exercise great care in deciding which customers are worthy of key account status. Customers selected to be key accounts are critically important to the supplier’s future. Typically, these customers represent a substantial fraction of the supplier’s current and/or potential revenues. Clearly, individuals the firm select as key account mangers must be able to handle that level of responsibility. Firms considering key account management programs should complete a thorough assessment of skill requirements for their key account managers. This assessment should relate directly to the roles and responsibilities of the key account manager -- Chapter 3.

In assessing skill requirements for key account managers, the supplier should be very clear about the results it expects from these managers. The skills necessary to ensure the firm maintains and increases current sales levels for a set of mature products may be quite different from those required to identify opportunities for the firm’s emerging technologies. Furthermore, the skills necessary to coordinate a complex supplier/key account relationship in a matrix organization may be quite different from those in a relatively simple relationship handled within a special key account unit.

In this section, we discuss a series of general requirements for effective key account management under several headings. We conclude by reporting the results of studies of key account managers.



To a very large extent, the job of the key account manager is to run a business; that business is the key account. Depending on the sizes of key account and supplier, and the nature of the products involved, this business may represent annual revenues of hundreds of millions of dollars. Furthermore, in well-run key account programs, the key account manager not only has top-line (sales revenue) responsibility, but also bottom-line profit (or, at least, profit contribution).


 The key account manager must possess significant skill to run a multi-million dollar business. The key account manager plays the central role in articulating the strategy and action programs for the key account in the context of developing the key account plan. Not only must key account managers conduct substantial data gathering, they must also possess strong market and customer focus. Key account managers also require significant conceptual, analytic, and planning skills, based on such abilities as mental agility, critical thinking, quantitative reasoning and divergent (out-of-the-box) thinking. The must be able to diagnose the key account’s procurement systems to understand the various actors and decision processes involved. S/he must be able to make difficult trade-off decisions, often involving complex economic factors. The key account manager requires a level of sophistication in marketing and financial analysis not normally found in the sales force. In part because of the Internet’s growth, key account managers must become increasingly computer literate.


But, planning and strategy development skills alone are insufficient; the key account manager must implement action programs that flow from the planning process, both within the key account and the supplier. Managing the key account requires skills in running and facilitating meetings, consultative selling, and in negotiating, presenting, and communicating -- often with executives at high organizational levels. The key account manager must also be an entrepreneur, always on the lookout for opportunities to add value to the supplier/key account relationship. The successful key account manager creatively identifies, and solves of key account problems, regardless of whether key account personnel recognize them as problems.

然而,单有制定计划和策略的技能是不够的,大客户经理还要负责执行总体计划下的各个具体行动方案,不论这些行动方案是针对关键客户的还是针对供应商的。关键客户管理需要主持和推动会议、顾问式销售的技能,也需要有谈判、演示和沟通的技能——这些工作的对象通常是与组织较高层面的经理人员之间进行。 大客户经理还应是一位企业家,时刻留意能为供应商与关键客户关系增加价值的机会。成功的大客户经理能够创造性地帮助关键客户发现和解决问题,不论关键客户方的人员是否意识到这些问题。


To fulfill his/her many roles and responsibilities, the key account manager must work across multiple organizational boundaries. These include functional barriers and hierarchical levels within the key account, but also within the supplier. At the key account, the key account manager must promote the supplier’s position and secure business. In the supplier, the key account manager must secure the required types and amounts of resources for satisfying key account needs Access to critical networks of individuals and good working relationships with personnel in both the supplier and key account are invaluable assets.

出于履行诸多角色和责任的需要,大客户经理必须能够跨越诸多组织界限开展工作。这些界限包括关键客户内部、还有供应商内部的职能界限和层级界限。在关键客户那里,大客户经理必须抬高供应商的位置,以取得订单。在供应商那里, 大客户经理必须申请安排关键客户所要求类型和数量的资源,以满足关键客户的需求。具备重要的人际关系网以及与供应商和关键客户方人员保持融洽工作关系的能力将是极为宝贵的。

In conducting these boundary-spanning activities, the key account manager must manage many complex sets of relationships. When supplier and key account are substantial organizations, the key account manager must manage literally hundreds of individual relationships among, and between, key account and supplier personnel. To accomplish this task successfully, the key account manager must have extensive information system knowledge to ensure appropriate levels of communication among key players S/he must also be sensitive to organizational structures, processes, procedures, and cultures of both organizations. The key account manager must have a deep understanding of organizational behavior and sensitivity to the political realities of organizational life so as to navigate both organizations effectively. These skills maybe sorely tested in merger and acquisition situations when the key account manager assumes responsibility for relationships between the firm’s new units and the key account, especially if some were previously troubled.


In general, the key account manager’s focus is on business relationships per se and on social activities that support them. But from time-to-time, the key account manager may have to deal with difficult personal relationships between supplier and key account personnel.


Example: One key account manager was responsible for a team of sixty 28-35 year olds that interfaced with similar age personnel from the supplier’s largest account. He observed that inter-organizational business relationships often developed into personal relationships. He lamented that termination of such personal relationships tended to negatively effect inter-organizational business relationships.

示例:一名大客户经理负责领导一个有着60多名成员的团队(成员年龄在 28-35岁之间),与来自供应商最大的客户方的相仿年龄的人员联络。他发现组织间的商业关系往往会演变成个人关系。他感叹这种个人关系的终结往往会对组织间商业关系造成负面影响。