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会议名称(中文):  第11届工业爆炸的危害,预防和缓解国际会议
会议名称(英文):  the 11th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosion
所属学科:  无机化学,有机化学,分析化学,物理化学,无机化工,造纸及生物质加工,环境生态
开始日期:  2016-07-24
结束日期:  2016-07-29
所在国家:  中华人民共和国
所在城市:  辽宁省     大连市
具体地点:  大连

[ 重要日期 ]
摘要截稿日期:  2015-09-27
全文截稿日期:  2016-01-10
论文录用通知日期:  2016-03-06
参会报名截止日期:  2016-04-22

[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系人:  Dr. WEI GAO

  On behalf of the ISHPMIE International Organizing Committee and the Local Organizing committee, we sincerely invite you to attend the 11th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosion (ISHPMIE) in Dalian, China July 24-29 2016. The 11th ISHPMIE will be hosted byDalian University of Technology.

  This Symposium was started from the first symposium in 1996, in Bergen, Norway. It was established by incorporating the Seventh International Colloquium on Dust Explosions (The first five were held in Poland: Baranow (1984), Jadwisin (1986), Szczyrk (1988), Porabka-Kozubnik (1990), Pultusk (1993), and then Shenyang, China (1994)) and the Second Colloquium on Gas, Vapor, Liquid, Hybrid and Fuel–Air Explosions (The First Colloquium was held in Montreal, Canada (1981)). The symposium continued with the second symposium in Schaumburg, USA (1998), the third in Tsukuba, Japan (2000), the fourth in Bourges, France (2002), the fifth in Cracow, Poland (2004), the sixth in Halifax, Canada (2006), the seventh in St. Petersburg, Russia (2008), the eighth in Yokohama, Japan (2010), the ninth in Cracow, Poland (2012) and the tenth in Bergen, Norway (2014).

  Dalian is a famous coastal city in northern China where you can find natural scenes of stunning beauty, mild climate, stylish architecture, comfortable beaches and so on. In 2006, the National Tourism Administration and the United Nations World Tourism Organization named Dalian as "The Optimum Tourist City".

  We sincerely hope to see you in Dalian in July 2016!


  Mingshu Bi

  Local Organizing Committee Chair

  May 11, 2015
  General requirements

  Submission should be accomplished electronically through the login button on the homepage of the symposium website after registration. Although pdf, doc, docx files are accepted by the website, docx file is most recommended by the local organizing committees.

  Abstracts and full papers must be original work. The same contents must have not been submitted to other symposiums or journals.

  Abstracts and full papers must be in English. Detailed information for authors on style, including abstract and paper length, format, etc, and the templates are available at the symposium website.

  All accepted papers will be included in the symposium proceedings, some of which will be published in a special issue of Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industriesdepending on the evaluation of the peer-reviewing process and best paper/presentation award committee. All accepted papers should make oral presentations at the symposium by an author.

  Introductions for abstract

  The abstract will primarily be evaluated with respect to relevance for the scopes of the symposium, and the work does not have to be complete at the time of submission. It should state briefly the purpose of the research, the methodology followed, and, to the extent possible, the principal results and major conclusions.

  The entire abstract must fit on one A4 page (210×297 mm) in length with standard margins of 2.5 cm on all sides, including the title with author name(s), affiliation(s) and corresponding email, the main body with text, figures, tables, references and keywords.

  The main part of the text should be written in 12 point Times New Roman. The paragraph and line spacing should be 3 points and single, respectively. The footer should not be modified.

  Abstract Template:


  Introductions for full paper

  The entire full paper should be no more than 15 A4 pages (210×297 mm) in length with standard margins of 2.5 cm on all sides. It should include a title with author name(s), affiliation(s) and corresponding email, abstract and keywords followed by sections containing an introduction, the main body of text, conclusions, acknowledgements, and references.

  The main body of the text should be written in 12 point Times New Roman. The paragraph and line spacing should be 3 points and single, respectively. The footer should not be modified.

  For figures, the quality of labeling, line thickness and other details should be suitable for archival publication, and any photographs must be provided as glossy prints. Ensure that each illustration has a caption, which should be placed below the illustration. A caption should ideally comprise a brief title and a description of the illustration to minimize amount of text within the illustration.

  Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Table captions should be placed above the tables. The numbers should not include the number of the section (or chapter). Place footnotes to tables immediately below the table body and indicate them with superscript lowercase letters. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.

  All references should be extensive, i.e., containing the full list of authors, year, publication title, full journal title, volume, issue, pages (for journals); year, book title, publisher, edition (for books).

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