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会议名称(中文):  第23届国际草地大会 
会议名称(英文):  The 23rd International Grassland Congress 
所属学科:  作物学及林木育种、生物学,植物营养学,农林植物保护学,畜牧学 
开始日期:  2015-11-20 
结束日期:  2015-11-24 
所在国家:  印度 
所在城市:  印度 
具体地点:  新德里 
主办单位:  The Indian Organizing Committee of IGC 

会议背景介绍:  The Indian Organizing Committee of IGC 2015 and the people of India invite you to join us in New Delhi from November 20 to 24, 2015. The programme sessions of the Congress will cover diverse aspects of grasslands. The Indian subcontinent is known for its grassland and rangeland resources. The diversified climate of the subcontinent supports at least 15 types of native woodlands.

For generations, Indians have relied on grazing for subsistence. In the past, this was a respectable livelihood. Lord Krishna used to herd hundreds of cows to graze the fields of India.

Many forests and natural grazing landswere destroyed by agriculture and other anthropogenic factors. The Congress plans to involve a wide range of experts with vast research experience on grasslands. After deliberation they will formulate concrete recommendations on the uses of grassland and forage resources to meet the increasing demand for livestock products and the challenges linked to climate change.

We are sure, the beautiful landscapes of India together with its rich cultural heritage and historical / religious places of all communities will attract you to New Delhi.
征文范围及要求:  The congress will have deliberations on various topics of following five themes, sub-themes and focused areas:

Grassland Resources
Sustainability of Grassland – Social and Policy Issues
Grassland Production and Utilization
Biodiversity Conservation and Genetic Improvement of Range and Forage Species
Environmental Issues Related to Grassland

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专业范围 更多>>
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