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法大商学院 网站英文外籍校对稿 20080316 样稿

I. Overview of the Business School
The Business School of The China University of Political Science and Law (hereinafter called the “Business School”) began accepting students for the bachelor’s degree program in Business Administration in 1995, and was formally established in July 2002. The Business School fully exploits and integrates the faculty and educational resources of the economics, management and other related programs at the China University of Political Science and Law (“CUPL”). The Business School currently offers 3 bachelor’s degree programs in Economics, Business Administration, and International Business (including a total of 6 fields of concentration), one doctoral program in World Economics, and 6 master’s degree programs in Political Economy, Business Administration, World Economics, Accounting, Industrial Economics, and Economic History.
The Business School has established several teaching and research institutions that support its undergraduate and graduate programs, including 6 teaching and research institutions directly administrated by the Business School: the Institute for Political Economy, the Institute for Business Administration Research, the Institute for World Economic Research, the Institute for Industrial Economics Research, the  Institute for Accounting Research, and the Institute for Research on Economic History. The Business School also has affiliations with four other research institutions: CUPL’s Institute for Economic Studies, the Institute for Equity Trading Research, the Institute for Research on Modern Industrial Organization, and the Center for Investment Management Research.
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