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杰克 韦尔奇领导辞典图书翻译_官僚主义_英中对照_20110302-1

Bureaucracy: Productivity’s enemy. Welch told his people to “fight it, kick it.” The GE CEO fought a two-decade war against bureaucracy with initiatives like boundaryless and Work-Out. GE’s list of values specifically addressed the company’s intolerance for bureaucracy (it was at the top of the list for many years), and stressed the importance of building an organization of trust, excitement, and informality. Welch recognized the adverse effects of bureaucracy and knew that unless he rid the organization of the worst of it, GE would never become a legitimate global competitor.
All large organizations have some bureaucracy. It is a given, inherent in the organizing form that was crafted in large part by Alfred P. Sloan, who became president and chief executive officer of General Motors in 1923. The GM CEO recognized the need for coherence and a unifying order when he confronted a sprawling corporation that was in dire need of organization. It was Sloan who transformed GM’s loosely configured, far-flung divisions into a coherent corporation.
Sloan speaks on the topic in his celebrated memoir, My Years with General Motors: “I became convinced that the corporation could not continue to grow and survive unless it was better organized, and it was apparent that no one was giving that subject the attention it needed.” Sloan did indeed give the subject the attention it needed and helped create the model for the modern organizing form that persists to this day. But while that organizing form worked well for many years, it had begun to become too restrictive as business became more demanding and more global in the 1980s.
斯隆在他有名的回忆录《我在通用汽车公司的岁月》(My Years with General Motors)中谈到了这个话题:“我开始认定,除非更好的加以组织,否则这家企业就无法继续增长和存续,而对于这个课题,明显没有人给予应有的重视。”斯隆倒是对这个课题给予了应有的重视,并帮助创建了一直持续到今日的现代组织模式。不过这种组织形式虽说多年来都挺管用,但到20世纪80年代,随着工商管理的要求更严格、全球化程度更高,它的制约性就过大了。
To provide a complete picture of Welch’s nemesis (bureaucracy), it is useful to contrast the two CEOs and the circumstances they encountered. One way to compare these two legendary leaders is to recognize Sloan as the man who helped construct the modern organizing form, and Welch as the man who helped tear it down. In the Sloan model, a company’s thinking and ultimate advantage comes from the company command center (its headquarters). That notion, however, was bogging companies down, not allowing units closer to the work, and to the customers, to think for themselves. After all, now there were managers in the home office who could make decisions for the workers. While Sloan’s watershed creation helped establish financial and managerial control, the concept of a mammoth hierarchy controlling a corporation had taken its toll a half a century later. Business was moving too quickly and that form was strangling creativity and innovation. Welch recognized that fact and worked to tear down the accouterments of bureaucracy when he became CEO in 1981.
Welch wasted little time in identifying the enemy. In fact, he knew it well long before becoming GE’s CEO. In his first days with the company, Welch worked in a bureaucracy-free environment that was more akin to a “family grocery store” than a giant corporation. After he almost quit because he felt that he deserved more then the customary $1000 raise (Welch felt that he contributed more than his colleagues and deserved more), he was given an assignment he liked: “He [his boss] gave me a project where I was the only employee. I was able to call myself king, emperor, any title you wanted. And I hired one technician. And from that, we built a plastics business.”
To Welch, those early days in GE’s plastics division represented a leadership ideal, and he spent years attempting to instill that same spirit of excitement back into the vastness of GE.
In 1968, 33-year-old Welch became GE’s youngest general manager, and as he moved up the hierarchy, he saw all of the things he hated about large companies: red tape, layers of management, waste, slow decision making, etc. When he became CEO, he had seen the best and the worst of GE, and was determined to wipe out the latter while generating more of the former. He always felt that business should be about excitement and passion and new ideas, not about bureaucracy and turf battles and slow decision making.
From 1981 on, Welch’s actions and programs waged war on GE’s intimidating bureaucracy, and he always knew that the battle would never be completely over. Even in his final months in office, Welch spoke of the importance of ridding the organization of this cancerous element. He called bureaucracy “the Dracula of institutional behavior,” meaning that it kept rising from the dead after they had driven a stake through its heart.
In the late 1990s, while GE was in full throttle with Six Sigma, Welch spoke of the importance of relaunching Work-Out on a wide scale. The GE CEO was concerned that bureaucracy was creeping back into the organization. He advised one young worker that the only way to rid a large organization of the bureaucracy and walls and hierarchy was to “get a hand grenade ... and blow it up” (Welch of course meant that figuratively, not literally).
Bureaucracy-banishing lessons
1.      Make sure that everyone knows the enemy: Welch let everyone know that bureaucracy was killing the company. In articulating that message, he enlisted the help of every GE employee. Once the entire company was mobilized, GE was able to dismantle the company’s multilayered bureaucracy.
2. Use the principles of Work-Out to jump-start a meaningful dialogue: Work-Out, Welch’s grand program to eliminate unnecessary work, was the key to ensuring that managers listened to the employees. It also built trust and unlocked the ideas that dwelled in the minds of the people who performed the work. If a multiday event is not possible, find another way to get managers and employees to talk to each other. Even a half day get together can be worthwhile, particularly if the employees know that this is their chance to tell managers how to do things better.
3. Always remember that even the best organizations have some bureaucracy: In the late 1990s, long after his software phase, Welch acknowledged that even his supercharged organization was not immune to bureaucracy (even after launching Six Sigma). In order to keep red tape in check, repeat step two (2) above at regular intervals (e.g., quarterly, biannually, etc.).
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