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8.1. Existing Problems in Research
As the investigation activities under the project cover all the factors related to cyber-based foreign language teaching, the questionnaire is too complex and includes an excessive number of questions. In addition, these questions have not been classified due to the hasty design of the questionnaire.
This is inconvenient for accurate feedback from the objects of investigation and leads to disorderly and complex feedback. Therefore the program of quantitative analysis suggested at the beginning of the experiment has to be given up, and only qualitative analysis has been conducted for the investigation results. Worse still, due to limited time in the qualitative analysis, the specific results on effectiveness of the cyber-based teaching activities have not been sorted out accurately. Therefore the analysis of the investigation results in the thesis has slightly deviated from the core contents of effective design of teaching activities.
8.2. Unsettled Problems in Research
Though the objectives of the project research have basically been reached, the investigation results have not been detailed herein as they are irrelevant to the core contents of this thesis; design of cyber-based foreign language teaching. However, this thesis does not involve analysis of the effectiveness of independent cyber-based English learning because no in-depth research has been conducted on the relevant issues discovered during investigation, and only limited effort has been made to explore effective countermeasures thereto.
Concluding Remarks
The capacity of applying computer networks in teaching covers many cognitive and psychological factors, and the technical knowledge and operating capacity of the teachers, understanding and attitude toward technology, and especially the potential of technology in facilitating studies in the understanding of the operational environment for performance of technology that the students and teachers have. The training and knowledge of the teachers, especially in how to conduct the design of cyber-based teaching with relevant teaching theories and teaching concepts, are the weak link in various schools now. As shown in the investigation results, teachers hold great expectations for the schools they work at to carry out research on cyber-based teaching, including demonstration and discussion of high-quality classes, the designing thoughts and process of preparation, course material manufacturing skills and discussion of teaching effect etc. Practice has shown that the psychology and process of teachers in application of computer networks are an important factor for measuring the effectiveness, reliability and objectiveness of computer networks in foreign language teaching.  The teaching quality of foreign language teaching cannot be practically improved unless teachers really master relevant cyber technology, apply technology for teaching purposes, conduct scientific and reasonable teaching design, and turn technology into an organic part of the teaching environment and teaching structure to meet the requirements of teaching, and reflect on teaching concepts and methods of teaching from time to time.
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